티스토리 뷰
[Annotated] Donald Trump risks undermining the coalition he built against north Korea
af334 2018. 5. 27. 10:29To describe Moon Jae-in's expressions as "ashen-faced" 1 would be an understatement 2. In a photograph released by his office early on May 25th, South Korea's president looked a decade older than his 65 years. The downward turn of his lips suggested that 3he might be about to cry. The picture was taken at an emergency meeting Mr Moon had been forced to convene late the previous night after 4Donald Trump, America's president, suddenly decided to cancel his planned summit with Kim Jong Un, North Korea's dictator, in Singapore next month.
The next day Mr Moon's office released a decidedly jollier picture 5 6, of Mr Moon shaking hands with Mr Kim, during impromptu talks at the border between 7North and South Korea, aimed at resuscitating the summit with 8Mr Trump. The surprise meeting was itself historic 9, being only the fourth time leaders of the two countries have met. It also suggests that the cancellation of the summit might itself be cancelled soon. After all, the North responded to Mr Trump's bombshell in relatively emollient tone 10 11, and Mr Trump himself has said he still hopes to meet Mr Kim at some point. North Korea has so far stuck to the moratorium on 12nuclear tests and missile launches it announced earlier this year. Just before Mr Trump pulled out of the summit 13, it dismantled its nuclear test site at 14 Punggye-ri in the presence of reporters from 15five countries including, after initial hiccups 16, from South Korea.
Mr Moon has made the creation of a lasting peace on 17the Korean peninsula a central goal of 18his presidency, and was instrumental in brokering the planned summit between 19 20Mr Trump and Mr Kim. But he was apparently not informed of 21Mr Trump's withdrawal in advance 22 23. After hours of silence, he issued a statement saying that 24he was "perplexed" by 25Mr Trump's "very regrettable and unfortunate" decision to call off the summit 26 27. He implicitly criticized 28Mr Trump's habit of negotiating via peremptory tweets 29 30and statements, saying that he hoped that in future America and the North would resolve their differences 31"through more direct and close dialogue between their leaders". Apparently, he has decided to put his own advice into practice 32.
Mr Trump's decision was seen as a snub by 33many South Koreans, who were already upset by the treatment their president received during his visit to Washington earlier this week. During that meeting, Mr Trump hinted that he might pull out of the summit with 34Mr Kim, despite Mr Moon's urging him to stay the course 35 36. The tactlessness seemed all the more notable 37 given how unctuous 38 Mr Moon has been in his praise of 39Mr Trump, despite the misgivings of 40many South Koreans. Afterwards 41, terms such as "bad manners" and "diplomatic gaffe 42" trended on 43Naver, South Korea's main search engine.
For now 44, the reversal does not seem to have dented Mr Moon's popularity at home 45 46. By early afternoon on May 25th more than 70,000 people had signed an online petition urging their president to "cheer up 47" and 48stay the course for peace. Others went further 49, arguing on social media that the two Koreas should work together rather than wait for unreliable foreign allies to make peace for them 50. A group of protesters marched to 51the American embassy, ripping up pictures of 52Mr Trump.
Inevitably 53, North Korea has tried to seize on 54Mr Trump's volte face to paint itself as 55 56the more grown-up party, even though it was the North's threats of a "nuclear showdown 57" and its denunciation of 58America's vice-president, Mike Pence, as a "dummy" that seem to have precipitated Mr Trump's decision 59. Indeed, the North seems to have been as surprised as the South that Mr Trump backed out 60. A statement issued by North Korea's official news agency expressed "great regret" at 61Mr Trump's decision and reiterated the country's continued willingness to talk 62.
Mr Trump would argue that he is simply driving a hard bargain 63, following through on his many threats to pull out of 64negotiations if he thought that the North was not serious. It is certainly hard to argue that Mr Trump should have pressed on enthusiastically given the near-universal scepticism about 65the North's intentions 66. But there is also no question that his abrupt decisions - first raising expectations by so readily 67and eagerly embracing the prospect of a summit, then dashing them with his unexpected withdrawal 68 69and now hinting that he might end up meeting Mr Kim after all - do not fit very well into the ponderous 70 71, incremental world of 72 international diplomacy.
China, which had been cajoled into joining 73America's campaign of "maximum pressure" on 74the North earlier this year, had already begun to relax its enforcement of 75 76UN sanctions in the brief period of optimism that preceded Mr Trump's disillusionment 77 78. A disgruntled 79South Korea, meanwhile, may try to go its own way if Mr Moon's frantic efforts go unrewarded 80 81.
It is Mr Trump's comment on 82 May 24th that America's armed forces were 83"ready if necessary" to deal with trouble on the peninsula that will most have alarmed southerners. Given his mercurial personality 84, is it possible, many South Koreans wonder, that Mr Trump might resort to 85some sort of pre-emptive strike 86despite the horrendous loss of life that would almost certainly entail 87 88? If the efforts to get the talks back on track do not succeed 89, the region will inevitably revert to the fear 90, uncertainty and division 91 that prevailed before 92 the détente began 93 94earlier this year.
- ashen-faced ; [ADJ] Someone who is ashen-faced looks very pale, especially because they are ill, shocked, or frightened. [본문으로]
- understatement ; 1. [C] 절제된 표현 [본문으로]
- downward ; 아래쪽으로의, 아래로 향한; 아래로 가는; (시세 따위가) 내림세의; (비유)내리받이의; 쇠퇴하는, 타락하는 [본문으로]
- convene ; [자동사] 회합하다, 모임을 갖다 [본문으로]
- decidedly ; 결정적으로, 단연코(firmly, definitely) ; 틀림없이, 확실히(certainly). [본문으로]
- jolly ; (-li·er; -li·est) 1. 즐거운, 유쾌한, 명랑한(merry) ;; 2. (술로) 기분 좋은, 얼근한 ;; 3-a. 참으로 재미있는, 즐거운(pleasant, delightful) [본문으로]
- impromptu ; [형용사, 부사] 즉석에서[의], 준비 없이[는], 즉흥으로[의](extempore)(예고를 받지 못했거나 예기치 못한 연설자 등에 대하여 씀) [본문으로]
- resuscitate ; [자, 타동사] 소생시키다[하다](revive); 부흥하다, 부활시키다 [본문으로]
- historic ; [주로 명사 앞에 씀], (historic의 첫 글자인 h를 발음하지 않고, 그 앞에 a가 아닌 an을 쓰는 사람들도 있지만 이제는 이런 발음이 구식으로 여겨진다.) 1. 역사적으로 중요한, 역사에 남을 만한, 역사적인 ;; historic은 보통 아주 중요하여 기념할 만한 가치가 있을 것 같은 것에 대해 쓴다 ; historical은 보통 과거와 관련된 것, 역사 연구와 관련된 것 또는 과거에 실제 있었던 일을 묘사한다 [본문으로]
- bombshell ; [주로 단수로], (비격식) 1. (불쾌한) 폭탄선언, 몹시 충격적인 일[소식] [본문으로]
- emollient ; (피부를) 부드럽게 하는; (고통 따위를) 완화하는, (분위기를) 부드럽게 하는, 누그러뜨리는. ;; 미국식 [i|mɑ:liənt] 영국식 [i|mɒliənt] [본문으로]
- moratorium ; [명사] pl. -riums 또는 -toria / -riə / ~ (on sth) (공적 합의에 의한) 활동 중단; 지불 유예[정지] ;; 미국식 [|mɔ:rə|tɔ:riəm] 영국식 [|mɒrə|tɔ:riəm] [본문으로]
- pull out of ; ~에서 철수하다 [본문으로]
- dismantle ; 1. (기계・구조물을) 분해[해체]하다 [본문으로]
- in the presence of ; ~가 있는 데서 ;; 동의어 ; in somebody’s presence [본문으로]
- hiccup ; 3. [C] (비격식) (약간의) 문제[지연] [본문으로]
- lasting ; [형용사] (주로 명사 앞에 씀) 영속적인, 지속적인 ;; 참고 ; long-lasting [본문으로]
- central ; 1. 중심되는, 가장 중요한 [본문으로]
- be instrumental in ; …에 도움이 되는, 지대하게 공헌하다, 산파 역할을 하다 [본문으로]
- broker ; 중개[알선]하다, 브로커로서 처리하다; (실력자·흑막으로서) 조정하다, <타협점을> 모색하다 [본문으로]
- be informed of ; [사정 따위]에 정통하다, 소식통이다, 통지를 받다, 전해 듣다. [본문으로]
- withdrawal ; 1. [U , C] 철회, 취소, 철수, 회수 [본문으로]
- in advance ; 1. (~보다) 미리[앞서]; 사전에 [본문으로]
- issue a statement saying ; ~라고 하는 성명을 발표하다 [본문으로]
- perplex ; [타동사] 1. 곤란하게 하다, 어리둥절하게 하다, 쩔쩔매게 하다, 어쩔줄 모르게 하다 (embarrass) ; 헛갈리게 하다, 갈피를 못 잡게 하다(distract), 괴롭히다(vex). ;; 2. [주로 수동형으로] 복잡하게 하다, 섞갈리게 하다, 뒤섞이게 하다, 혼란시키다(tangle, complicate, confuse). [본문으로]
- regrettable ; [완곡적] 유감스러운, 후회되는, 서운한, 안된, 가엾은, 애처로운, 개탄할 ;; 한스러운, 마음 아픈, 유감된, 애석한, 가엾은(to be regretted, causing regret). [본문으로]
- call off ; [동사] 중지하다, 취소하다; (주의를 딴 곳으로) 돌리다, 포기하다; (명부를) 큰 소리로 읽다. ;; 동의어 ' cancel; summon, take away. [본문으로]
- implicitly ; [부사] 함축적으로; 무조건[절대적]으로; 내재하여. [본문으로]
- via ; 2. (특정한 사람・시스템 등을) 통하여 [본문으로]
- peremptory ; 1. (명령 등이) 거절·반대·탄원 등을 용서치 않는, 지엄한(imperative). ;; 2. (법률) 토의·질문을 허락치 않는, 최종적인(final), 결정적인(decisive), 절대명령의, 강제적인. ;; 미국∙영국 [pə|remptəri] [본문으로]
- resolve differences ; 차이를 해결하다 [본문으로]
- put[carry, bring] sth into practice ; ~을 실행하다 [본문으로]
- snub ; [명사] ~ (to sb) 모욕, 무시 ;; 1. 호되게 꾸짖음, 톡 쏘아붙임; 푸대접, 놀림 [본문으로]
- pull out of ; ~에서 철수하다 [본문으로]
- Mr Moon is urging him to ... ;; 동명사의 의미상 주어 [본문으로]
- stay the course ; (하던 일을 힘들더라도) 그대로 계속하다[끝까지 버티다] ;; continue doing something until it has finished or been completed, even though it is difficult [본문으로]
- tactlessness ; [명사] 재치[요령] 없음, 서투름. [본문으로]
- notable ; [형용사] ~ (for sth) 주목할 만한, 눈에 띄는; 중요한, 유명한 [본문으로]
- unctuous ; [형용사] (격식 못마땅함) (말・행동이) 번지르르한 ;; 미국식 [|ʌŋktʃuəs] 영국식 [|ʌŋktjuəs] [본문으로]
- misgiving ; [부정 구문 이외는 보통 pl.] 의심, 의혹, 염려, 걱정, 불안(doubt, suspicion), 나쁜 예감(presentiment). [본문으로]
- afterwards ; [부사] (美 주로 after・ward) 나중에, 그 뒤에 [본문으로]
- gaffe ; [명사] (공식적인 자리・사교 모임에서 범하는) 실수 ;; 미국∙영국 [gӕf] [본문으로]
- trend on ; 흐름상 "회자되다, 유명해지다, 널리 쓰이다" 정도의 의미 [본문으로]
- for now ; 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 [본문으로]
- reversal ; 1. [C , U] ~ (of sth) (정반대로) 뒤바꿈[뀜], 전환, 반전, 역전 [본문으로]
- dent ; 2. (자신감・명성 등을) 훼손하다 [본문으로]
- petition ; 1. ~ (against/for sth) 진정[탄원/청원](서) [본문으로]
- urge ; [타동사] 2. 죄어치다, 재촉하다; 열심히 권하다, 설득하다; 격려하다 ;; ORIGIN ; Latin 「몰다」의 뜻에서 [본문으로]
- go further ; 1. (말하는 내용에 있어서) 더 나아가다 [본문으로]
- unreliable ; 신뢰[의지]할 수 없는, 믿을 수 없는(untrustworthy) [본문으로]
- march to ; …로 행진하다. [본문으로]
- rip up ; [VERB] to tear (paper) into small pieces [본문으로]
- inevitably ; 불가피하게, 필연적으로, 아무래도, 부득이, 반드시; 확실히 ;; 필연적이다시피, 아니나 다를까 [본문으로]
- seize on ; [동사] (아이디어, 기회를) 이용하다, 내것으로 만들다; 붙잡다, 포착하다. ;; 동의어 ; resort to; grab, take hold. ;; to suddenly show a lot of interest in something, especially because you can use it to your advantage [본문으로]
- volte face ; [sing.] (격식) (의견・계획의) 180도 변화;; (의견·정책 등의) 전환, 전향, 급변, 역전 ;; ORIGIN ; French 「얼굴을 돌리다」의 뜻에서 ;; 미국식 [|vɔ:lt |fɑ:s] 영국식 [|vɒlt |fɑ:s] [본문으로]
- paint ; 3. [타동사][VN] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (말・글 등으로) 그리다 [본문으로]
- showdown ; 2-a. [보통 a[the] ~] [구어] 최후의 대결; 결판 ;; 2-b. (계획 등의) 발표, 공개, 폭로 [본문으로]
- denunciation ; [C , U] ~ (of sb/sth) (공개적으로 하는) 맹렬한 비난 ;; 참고 ; denounce ;; 미국∙영국 [dɪ|nʌnsi|eɪʃn] [본문으로]
- precipitate ; 1. 촉진시키다, 몰아대다, 마구 재촉하다, 서두르게 하다 ;; 2. 거꾸로 떨어뜨리다, 던져 떨어뜨리다, 팽개치다 [본문으로]
- back out (of sth) ; (하기로 했던 일에서) 빠지다 [본문으로]
- great regret ; 깊은 유감의 뜻. [본문으로]
- reiterate ; [행위·발언·요구 따위] 를 되풀이하다, 반복하다. ;; 동의어 ; REPEAT [본문으로]
- drive[strike] a hard bargain ; (흥정 등에서) 세게 밀어붙이다 [본문으로]
- follow through on ; ~을 완수하다, (약속 등을) 지키다, (규칙, 권고 등을) 따르다, 이행하다 [본문으로]
- press on[ahead] (with sth) ; (단호하게) 밀고 나가다; 서둘러 나아가다 [본문으로]
- intention ; [C , U] ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) | ~ (that…) 의사, 의도; 목적 [본문으로]
- readily ; 1. 손쉽게, 순조롭게 ;; 2. 선뜻, 기꺼이 [본문으로]
- dash ; 2. 때려 부수다(smash, shatter), (희망 따위를) 꺾다, 분쇄하다(destroy, frustrate). [본문으로]
- withdrawal ; 1. [U , C] 철회, 취소, 철수, 회수 [본문으로]
- fit into ; …에 꼭 들어맞다, 적합[적응]하다; 어울리다 [본문으로]
- ponderous ; 1. 무거운(weighty), (무거워) 다루기 힘든(unwieldy) ; 묵직한, 육중한. ;; 2. (이야기·문체 따위가) 경쾌하지 않은, 무게 있는, 무겁고 답답한(heavy, dull). [본문으로]
- incremental ; [형용사] 증대하는, 증가의. [본문으로]
- cajole a person into[out of] doing ;; 남을 꾀어 …시키다[…못하게 하다] [본문으로]
- maximum pressure and engagement ; [명사] 최대의 압박과 개입(트럼프 행정부의 대북 정책 기조를 집약적으로 표현한 문구) [본문으로]
- relax ; 4. [타동사][VN] (법・규칙 등을) 완화하다 [본문으로]
- enforcement ; [U, C] 시행, 실행, 실시; 강제, 강요; 《고어》 강제하는 것. [본문으로]
- precede ; (precedes[-z]; -ced·ed; -ced· ing) 1. (…의 점에서) (위치적으로) …에 선행(先行)하다, …의 앞을 가다; (시간적으로) …에 앞서다, 앞서 가다[오다, 있다][in]. ;; 2. (순서·지위·중요도 따위가) (…의 점에서) …의 윗자리를 점하다, 우선하다, …보다 중요하다[in]. [본문으로]
- disillusionment ; [U , sing.] (또한 dis・il・lu・sion) ~ (with sth) 환멸(감) [본문으로]
- disgruntled ; [형용사] ~ (at sb/sth) 불만스러워 하는, 언짢은 ;; moody, discontented [본문으로]
- frantic efforts ; 미친듯한 노력, 필사의 노력, 처절한 노력 [본문으로]
- unrewarded ; [형용사] (노력에 대한) 보상을 못 받는[보람을 못 얻는] [본문으로]
- a comment on ; …에 대한 발언 ;; 본문에는 날짜를 말하는 on 으로 사용 [본문으로]
- armed forces (英 또한 the ˌarmed 'services) ; [pl.] (육·해·공을 포함한) 군(軍), 군대, 전군(全軍) ;; military, naval, and air and air forces. [본문으로]
- mercurial ; 3. 기민한, 민활한(active), 재치 있는(witty) ; 경쾌한, 활발한, 쾌활한(lively) ; 흥분하기 쉬운(excitable) ; 마음이 변하기 쉬운, 변덕스러운(changeable, fickle)(cf. jovial, saturnine). [본문으로]
- resort to sth ; (다른 대안이 없어서, 특히 좋지 못한 것에) 기대다[의지하다] ;; to make use of something, especially something bad or unpleasant, as a way of achieving something, often because no other course of action is possible [본문으로]
- preemptive strike ; 선제 공격 [본문으로]
- horrendous ; 1. 대단히 충격적인, 참혹한 ;; 2. 대단히 불쾌한, 끔찍한 ;; HELP ; horrendous의 첫 글자인 h를 발음하지 않고, 이 단어 앞에 a가 아닌 an을 쓰는 사람들도 있다. 지금은 이런 발음이 구식으로 여겨진다. ;; 미국식 [hɔ:|rendəs;hɑ:|r-] 영국식 [hɒ|rendəs] [본문으로]
- entail ; 2. (결과·피해 따위를) 남기다, 필연적으로 수반하다(involve) ; (노력·비용 따위를) 필요로 하다(require), 과(課)하다(impose). [본문으로]
- get sth back on track ; ~을 (실수·실패 뒤에) 다시 정상 궤도에 올려놓다 [본문으로]
- revert to ; …(상태)로 되돌아가다. [본문으로]
- uncertainty ; (pl. -ies) 1. [U] 불확실성; 반신반의 ;; 2. [C] 불확실한 것; 불확실한 상황 [본문으로]
- division ; 3. DISAGREEMENT/DIFFERENCE | [C , U] ~ (in/within sth) | ~ (between A and B) (특히 사회・단체 내의) 분열 [본문으로]
- prevail ; [v] 1. ~ (in/among sth) 만연[팽배]하다 [본문으로]
- detente ; [명사] (불어에서 격식) (국가간의) 긴장 완화[관계 개선], 데탕트 ;; 미국·영국 [|deɪ|tɑ:nt] [본문으로]
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