티스토리 뷰


Passage 1

af334 2016. 1. 19. 04:08

One of the most famous Renaissance painters of all time is Michelangelo Buonarroti,, simply known as Michelangelo. He was in Italian painter, sculptor and architect, and also recognized as a poet. In 1508, Pope Julius II hired Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo did not want to paint the dome of the chapel since he felt himself to be more of a sculptor than a painter. Nevertheless, Pope Julius II was able to convince Michelangelo to accept the project by giving him the breathtaking scenes from the book of Genesis and The Last Judgement, which Michelangelo painted on the chapel's altar wall.


Why did Michelangelo hesitate to paint the dome of the Sistine Chapel?

A. He was painting the Mona Lisa at that time.

B. He believed that sculpting was better than painting.

C. He considered himself as a sculptor.

D. He saw himself as a great painter.

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