티스토리 뷰

Peaky Blinders/Season 1

S01 - E01

af334 2019. 6. 12. 17:42

arse, tits off, betting shop, lying around, stallion, copper, clean up the city, payroll, strike at, bloody fought for, smite the unholy, judgement is coming, hide from, get off with, have ten minutes, work at the BSA, was meant to be routine, as agreed, export bay, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, threw them in the cut, bookmaker, dump them somewhere, contraband under, got tickets for, sneaking about, is after the night, I'm here about the job, job's been filled, swim over the ocean, pierced and punctured, astride, look the other way, feed on, rotten philosophy, decapitate, yous, take some earnings, God-fearing, stand in anyway, queue, lead pack dog of, cosh, see this as me introducing~, after 35 years of dealing with, see nothing of interest, well with in my power, goalie, it's on the house, a trained nurse, wrap this cloth, national interest, war records, take a vote, buy a cure from, do things big, fig, as merry as, back onto politics, fights onto the mud, be the same side, How are you settling in?, between any of the above, wash up in the paper, want everything accounted for, they are aboard, Is that agreement?, alternative strategy, no longer your concern, takes no prisoners, wharf, by order of~, Are you in position?, interrogate the head of, gallantry were taken by, affect my judgement, finest officer, let you drain, war breaking out between, dispatch you myself, have any last requests?, apprenticeships, word will spread, still in shock, where are you taking me?

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