티스토리 뷰
Tech companies and social networks need an ethics body to rebuild trust
af334 2015. 1. 6. 15:26The internet is capable of enormous social good but users feel overly advertised to as well as tracked and monitored
Do you user a fitness tracker? Online banking ? Do you shop online, use a messaging app, download music, use email, file your tax return online or let your children play games on your iPad?
How much do you trust the services and technologies? you use ?
Most of use will admit to a creeping sense of mistrust about the technology we have come to rely on. Many users have come to feel quietly contemptuous of these services, as if our default relationships with them is that they offer us a sheet of novel-length terms and conditions designed for use not to read and in return we agree to be advertised to, or about, or to be tracked and monitored, however ineffectively or, worse, to be surveilled by the goverment, and we grudgingly accept it and carry on
we know that many in government failed to grasp the significance of Edward Snowden's surveilance revelation because they did not understand the technology that the security services were exploiting. That it was hard for many citizens to weigh the significance of these stories because they didn't understand the technology either; technological illiteracy cushioned the security services from deeper scrutiny, from greater public outrage
Meanwhile, the continual rumbling of the right to be forgotten case has been a fascinating exercise in the demonstration of power. A largely unsupervised Google has been allowed to interpret and implement the ruling in whichever way it sees fit, steamrollering nuanced, justifiable requests from people who object to Google's subjective search index - which, we are told, is now the public record for the digital age. A commercial, algorithmically operated public record based in Silicon Valley
Take Facebook's response to the astonishing buck-passing of the UK government, which exploited the same tech illiteracy - much of it in the media this time, to accuse facebook of having blood on its hands over the killing of soldier Lee Rigby. Facebook seemed paralysed in response. It had no confident, insightful position and was silent, leaving assumptions and accusations to keep building
Ethics is the issue at the heart of all these technology stories. Or rather a lack of it, and a lack of leadership in ethics. The internet is certainly capable of enormous economic and social good; it is a platform for networking and communicating on an unprecedented scale. But it is just that scale, and facilitating that communication, that presents challenges the world has never had before. The challenge is, uncommonly, a practical, philosophical one for a modern age.
Social networks, most noticeably Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, have developed sophisticated processes to try to deal with terrorist propaganda, for example the brutal execution videos of Isis. But these polices only confirm that these companies - despite their claims of neutrality - are now having to make editorial judgments, without the complex skills, experience and legal context of editorial organizations. It also means networks with international plans for growth are making subjective decisions; the westurn definition of terrorism, the westurn definition of law, the westurn definition of free speech. If these companies are to abide by our local laws then why not local laws in China, in North Korea, in Saudi Arabia or Sudan?
Is it just one of many problems for the chief executive, or the board, to consider the ethical implications of a network that is changing, in Facebook's case, how 1.36 billion people - in all their norms and extremes - relate and interact and communicate?
Google's highest profile attempt at an ethics council has been very cynical; pre-empting the regulators' response to the right to be forgotten, Google recruited "independent" experts, flown around Europe in Google's private jet and entertained by its chaming executive chairman, Eric Schmidt. When artificial intelligence firm Deepmind was acquired by Google earlier this year, founder Demis Hassabis was wise enough to stipulate that Google create an ethics body to inform its work in machine learning; technology that could be used to examine patterns in research to fight disease or to kill people more efficiently. Hassabis, in his wisdom, sought guarantees that Google would not sell machine learning tech to the military.
What is the right balance between the citizen's right to privacy and the state's obligation to keep us safe? Who is equipped to determine how the government should use our healthcare data? where is the organisation intellectually and financially equipped to protect the interests of citizens and sites that exploit and commercialise personal data?
These are vast questions for our age, and questions that are too important to be determined by commercial concerns, or by an uniformed government. From academia to government to the technology industry itself, who will create the kind of ethical framework that can help us answer these questions? There was a glimmer of hope in a recent report commissioned by Labour into the future of digital government, which proposed a new digital ethics body for technology just as the medical profession has. If that happens, it will be a start. But who is taking these questions seriously? We need a technology philosopher in chief for our age, before the technology runs away with itself
the technology runs away with itself
a technology philosopher in chief for our age
taking these questions seriously
will be a start
just as the medical profession has
which proposed a new digital ethics body for technology
commissioned by Labour into the future of digital government
in a recent report
a glimmer of hope
ethical framework that can help us answer these questions
from academia to government to the technology industry itself
by an uniformed government
to be determined by commercial concerns
vast questions for our age
commercialize personal data
intellectually and financially equipped to protect the interests of citizens
be equipped to
is equipped to determine how the government should use our healthcare data
the right balance between the citizen's right to privacy and the state's obligation to keep us safe
to the military
sought guarantees
in his wisdom
to fight disease
could be used to examine patterns in research to fight disease
to inform its work in machine learning
was wise enough to stipulate that Google create an ethics body
artificial intelligence firm Deepmind was acquired by Google earlier this year
entertained by its chrming executive chairman
flown around Europe
recruited independent experts
pre-empting the regulators' response to the right to be forgotten
Google's highest profile attempt at an ethics council has been very cynical
relate and interact and communicate
norms and extremes
to consider the ethical implications of a network that is chaning
one of many problems
are to abide by our local laws
the westurn definition of free speech
are making subjective decisions
with international plans for growth
legal context of editorial organizations
the complex skills
to make editorial judgements
despite their claims of neutrality
the brutal execution videos
have developed sophisticated processes to try to deal with terrorist propaganda
most noticeably Facebook
is, uncommonly, a practical, philosophical one for a modern age
presents challenges
facilitating that communication
on an unprecedented scale
is certainly capable of enormous economic and social good
or rather a lack of it, and a lack of leadership in ethics
at the heart of all these technology stories
leaving assumptions and accusations to keep building
had no confident, insightful position and was silent
seemed paralysed in response
to accuse facebook of having blood on its hands over the killing of soldier
explited the same tech illiteracy
take facebook's response to the astonishing buck-passing of the UK government
algorithmically operated public record based in Sillicon Valley
who object to google's subjective search index
justifiable requests
steamrollering nuanced
has been allowed to interpret and implement the ruling in whichever way it sees fit
a largely unsupervised google
has been a fascinating exercise in the demonstration of power
the continual rumbling of the right to be forgotten case
greater public outrage
technological illiteracy cushioned the security services from deeper scrutiny
to weigh the significance of these stories
were exploiting
many in government failed to grasp the significance of Edward Snowden's surveilance revelation
grudgingly accept it and carry on
to be surveilled by the government
to be tracked and monitored
in return we agree to be advertised to
they offer us a sheet of novel-length terms and conditions designed for use not to read
our default relationship with them
have come to feel quietly contemptuous of these services
have come to rely on
most of use will admit to a creeping sense of mistrust about the technology
feel overly advertised to as well as tracked and monitored
is capable of enormous social good