티스토리 뷰

Liberals who repress speech to[각주:1] prevent harm risk[각주:2] inviting authoritarianism[각주:3], writes Claire Fox of the Academy of Ideas

If ever there was a vivid illustration of illiberal liberalism[각주:4], it was the response to one of the essays in this very series. After The Economist published an article by Kathleen Stock, reader in philosophy at[각주:5] the University of Sussex, which sensitively questioned whether "self-declaration alone could reasonably be the only criterion of[각주:6] being trans" the Sussex Students' Union denounced her as a transphobe[각주:7]. In the union's original statement, it declared "we will not tolerate hate on our campus[각주:8]." "Trans and non-binary lives are[각주:9] not a debate[각주:10]."

These key[각주:11] tropes[각주:12] - "we will not tolerate" and "this is not a debate" - are now frequently deployed to curtail discussion of[각주:13] issues deemed to be taboo, invariably[각주:14] to "protect" people deemed vulnerable from speech deemed hateful. This secular version of[각주:15] blasphemy[각주:16] follows a sacred script, written by those who consider themselves liberals. Dare to[각주:17] query it[각주:18] and you'll be damned[각주:19]

I still consider myself a liberal in the Enlightenment sense of the word. But I have to admit that being a liberal these days is confusing. I continue to take inspiration from[각주:20] John Locke, John Stuart Mill and those more recent freedom fighters of the 1960s who challenged conformism[각주:21] and repression[각주:22]. In Britain this led to partial[각주:23] decriminalization of[각주:24] both homosexuality[각주:25] and abortion in 1967, and a more open, tolerant, permissive society[각주:26]. These are the liberal values which I recognize and admire. 

In contrast[각주:27], today's so-called progressive liberals are often intolerant, calling for[각주:28] official censure against[각주:29] anyone perceived as uttering[각주:30] non-progressive views[각주:31]. They openly despise everyone from[각주:32] Trump-voting "Deplorables[각주:33]" and Brexit-voting "Gammons[각주:34]" (those "others" who dare to vote the wrong way and won't espouse their "tolerant" values[각주:35]) to those in their own ranks who refuse to toe the liberal line[각주:36]. Many will have noticed the murky civil war among[각주:37] feminists on the transgender issue, or the venom[각주:38] heaped on anyone[각주:39] daring to demur on 100% endorsement of[각주:40] the #MeToo movement. Prominent women, many of whom would call themselves liberal feminists, have been turned on and accused of treason for[각주:41] daring to dissent[각주:42]

Margaret Atwood's thoughtful article, "Am I a Bad Feminist?", was met with howls of rage from[각주:43] fellow feminists. The iconic novelist[각주:44] was accused of being a victim-blaming[각주:45] rape apologist[각주:46], all of which apparently stemmed from[각주:47] her "white privilege". Ironically[각주:48], Ms Atwood's essay notes that[각주:49] "anyone who doesn't puppet their views[각주:50] is seen as an apostate[각주:51], a heretic[각주:52] or a traitor[각주:53]". How right she is. After Catherine Deneuve wrote an open letter[각주:54] raising concerns about the effect #MeToo might have on flirting[각주:55], Asia Argento, also an actress, denounced her and "other French women" for their "interiorized misogyny[각주:56] [which] has lobotomized them[각주:57] to the point of no return[각주:58]". For daring to raise questions about female sexual agency[각주:59], Ms Deneuve and others have essentially been told they've been brainwashed.[각주:60] 

This particular viciousness[각주:61] is also aimed at liberals who dare[각주:62] any self-criticism[각주:63]. Mark Lilla, a professor of humanities at[각주:64] Columbia University, published a stinging rebuke of[각주:65] his own tribe[각주:66] for facilitating[각주:67] Donald Trump's accession to the White House[각주:68]. His New York Times op-ed[각주:69], "The End of Identity Liberalism" went viral[각주:70], and received a savaging from[각주:71] his peers[각주:72]. Katherine Franke, a colleague of his at Columbia, accused him of "contributing to the same ideological project[각주:73]" as David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan. "Both men are underwriting[각주:74] the whitening of[각주:75] American nationalism," Ms Frank writes "Lilla's op-ed does the... nefarious background work of[각주:76] making white supremacy respectable[각주:77]". Such delegitimizing[각주:78] slander is[각주:79] commonplace[각주:80] - it's the liberals' version of hate speech, spouted without apology[각주:81] in the fight against (ahem[각주:82]) hate speech

Mr Lilla wants to save liberalism from illiberal identity politics. He writes, "American liberalism... has slipped into a kind of[각주:83] moral panic about[각주:84] racial, gender and sexual identity that has distorted liberalism's message[각주:85] and prevented it from becoming a unifying force[각주:86] capable of governing." He has a point, but I am less concerned with[각주:87] rescuing liberalism as a governing ideology than with saving one of its most valuable tenets[각주:88]: free speech, which is too often an inconvenient obstacle to righteousness[각주:89]

Free speech is carelessly[각주:90] tossed to one side[각주:91] in order to silence views[각주:92] and people that liberals label as intolerant[각주:93]. In a shocking turnaround[각주:94], the American Civil Liberties Union has recently abandoned its liberal, even-handed attitude to which[각주:95] free-speech cases it will defend. Its new guidelines, titled[각주:96] "Conflicts Between Competing Values or Priorities", explicitly endorses[각주:97] the view that free speech can harm "marginalized" groups[각주:98]. "Speech that denigrates such groups[각주:99] can inflict serious harms[각주:100]," it says, "and is intended to[각주:101], and often will, impede progress toward equality[각주:102]."

This reflects one of the ways in which liberals have let their guard down on free speech[각주:103]. They have bought into[각주:104] an expanded[각주:105], subjective definition of[각주:106] harm that incorporates the alleged[각주:107] psychological distress[각주:108] caused by speech[각주:109]. To compound matters[각주:110], the contemporary fashion for[각주:111] viewing the politically oppressed[각주:112] as[각주:113] defenceless[각주:114], vulnerable victims has led to a downgrading of[각주:115] free-expression principles in order to protect those marginalized minorities from offence

Some liberals also see free speech as a Trojan horse for alt-right[각주:116] bigotry[각주:117]. Commentators[각주:118] such as Owen Jones dismiss[각주:119] those fighting censorious trends as[각주:120] "right-wing, well-heeled[각주:121], white, straight, male commentators... bigots who clothe themselves in[각주:122] the garb of[각주:123] free speech [but]... just want the right to hate without challenge." And yet, this is partly due to[각주:124] liberal cowardice[각주:125]. A cursory look at[각주:126] coverage of[각주:127] the so-called "Free Tommy" brigade[각주:128], centered around[각주:129] the alleged censorship of[각주:130] Tommy Robinson, a notorious[각주:131] anti-Islam campaigner, reveals how liberals shun defending the free-speech rights of[각주:132] the unpalatable[각주:133]. Yes, I find many of Mr Robinson's views odious[각주:134], but a pick'n'mix attitude to[각주:135] free speech betrays liberalism, not Mr Robinson, and worse, it adds to the myth that "free speech" is a "right-wing" cause[각주:136]

In a much-cited[각주:137] essay entitled[각주:138] "The free speech panic: how the right concocted a crisis[각주:139]" Will Davies muses[각주:140]: "The intriguing question is why[각주:141] free speech has become such a cherished value for[각주:142] conservatives?" Perhaps a better question would be: Why is free speech no longer "a cherished value" on the liberal left? Surely[각주:143] one reason is that liberals fear[각주:144] being denounced by commentators such as[각주:145] Mr Davies, who suggests that "free speech warriors" are self-serving[각주:146], handmaidens of[각주:147] the alt-right. Another Guardian Columnist, Nesrine Malik, has decided that "freedom of speech is no longer a value. It has become a loophole[각주:148] exploited[각주:149] with impunity[각주:150] by trolls[각주:151], racists and ethnic[각주:152] cleansing advocates". Those who cannot so easily be dismissed as bigots[각주:153], perhaps civil libertarian liberals, are sneeringly[각주:154] dismissed as "Free Speech Grifters[각주:155] - who flog PC culture as a singularly[각주:156] eminent threat to[각주:157] the freedom of expression."

This liberal cynicism about[각주:158] the motives of those who espouse[각주:159] free speech can in turn warp their sense of tolerance of others[각주:160]. Afua Hirsch, a British writer and ex-barrister[각주:161], suggests that "the culture war, so often dressed up as a battle over[각주:162] free speech, in reality boils down to[각주:163] a refusal to[각주:164] engage with alternative points of view." I couldn't agree more. However, with no sense of irony, Ms Hirsch goes on to[각주:165] decry the "fantasy" of[각주:166] free speech in which those worried about the "threat of immigration" are ascribed the worst possible motives[각주:167]. Ms Hirsch accuses them of using "sanitize language[각주:168]... to dress up vicious attitudes[각주:169]."

But if an alternative view to Ms Hirsch's on immigration (and indeed my own) is castigated as[각주:170] prettifying explicit[각주:171] racist abuse[각주:172], what hope is there of an inclusive liberal political culture[각주:173]? This between-the-lines reading of[각주:174] political opinions that liberals denounce as[각주:175] a hateful intolerance lacks generosity[각주:176] or empathy[각주:177]. It tells us far more about the smug[각주:178], closed-minded[각주:179] certainty of[각주:180] illiberal liberals than those they look down on[각주:181]. In fact, liberals will only become liberal again once they abandon this type of sneering[각주:182] and smearing[각주:183] and recognize that free speech - even for those we despise - is the core liberal project. Without it, the much feared (often exaggerated) rise of the far-right won't be the biggest threat to our freedoms. Instead, illiberalism, in the name of liberalism, will be the PC midwife of[각주:184] authoritarianism[각주:185]

  1. repress ; 2. [타동사] [흔히 수동태로] 탄압[진압]하다 ;; 유의어 put down, suppress [본문으로]
  2. risk ; 2. …을 각오해야 할 짓을 하다, …의 위험을 무릅쓰다 ;; 3. 과감히[모험 삼아] …을 하다 [본문으로]
  3. invite ; 4. <마음 등을> 끌다, 쏠리게 하다, <관심을> 자아내다 ;; 5. <비난·위험 등을> 가져오다, 초래하다, 당하다 [본문으로]
  4. illiberal ; [형용사] (격식) 자유를 제한하는 ;; 유의어 intolerant ;; [ADJ] If you describe someone or something as illiberal, you are critical of them because they do not allow or approve of much freedom or choice of action. [본문으로]
  5. reader ; 5. [영] (대학의) 강사; [미] 대학 조교, 채점 조수 [본문으로]
  6. criterion ; (pl. -ri·a[-riə], criterions) (판단·평가 따위의) 표준, 기준, 척도, 규범[for , of]. ;; 유의어 STANDARD [본문으로]
  7. transphobe ; A person who fears or has a negative perception of trans people and/or transsexuality/transgenderism. [본문으로]
  8. tolerate ; [타동사] 1. 용인하다 ;; 2. [VN] (불쾌한 일 등을) 참다 ;; 유의어 put up with [본문으로]
  9. non-binary ; Usually under the genderqueer or transgender umbrellas. when someone's sense of gender is not male, female, or something in-between (androgynous). Includes neutrois, agender, genderless, gender-neutral, and other senses of gender devoid of male or female aspects. [본문으로]
  10. debate ; ARGUMENT. 유의어 1. [U, C] 토의, 토론(discussion), 심의, 논쟁(controversy). ;; 2. [U] 숙고, 심사(deliberation). [본문으로]
  11. key ; [형용사] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 가장 중요한, 핵심적인, 필수적인 ;; 유의어 critical, vital [본문으로]
  12. trope ; [명사] (전문 용어) 비유(比喩) ;; [NOUN] a word or expression used in a figurative sense [본문으로]
  13. curtail ; [타동사][VN] (격식) 축소[삭감/단축]시키다 ;; 1. …을 줄이다, 〔기일 따위〕를 단축하다, 〔책 따위〕를 축약하다; …을 생략하다. ; 유의어 SHORTEN ;; 2. 〔비용·예산 따위〕를 삭감하다; 억제하다. ;; 3. (권리 따위를) 박탈하다[of]. [본문으로]
  14. invariably ; [부사] 변함[예외]없이, 언제나 ; 유의어 without fail [본문으로]
  15. secular ; 2. (예술·교육 따위)종교와 관련 없는(not ecclesiastical)(opp. sacred). [본문으로]
  16. blasphemy ; [U, C] (pl. -ies) 신성 모독 ;; [NOUN] You can describe something that shows disrespect for God or a religion as blasphemy. ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈblæsfəmi] 미국식 [ˈblæsfəmi] [본문으로]
  17. dare to ; (Risk를 무릅쓰고) 과감히 ~ 하다 ;; 건방지게 …하다 [본문으로]
  18. query ; [타동사] 1. <사실 여부를> 묻다, 질문하다, 의문을 가지다 ((whether, if)) [본문으로]
  19. damn ; [타동사] 1. <문예 작품·연극 등을> 헐뜯다, 악평하다; 파멸시키다, 망치다 ;; 2. <하느님이 사람을> 영원히 벌주다, 지옥에 떨어뜨리다 ;; 3. 저주하다, 매도하다 [본문으로]
  20. take inspiration from ; ~로 부터 영감을 얻다. [본문으로]
  21. conformism ; [명사] 체제 순응주의 ; 순응. ;; (관습) 준봉(遵奉)주의 [본문으로]
  22. repression ; [U] 1. 탄압, 진압, 억압 [본문으로]
  23. partial ; 1. 일부분의(opp. total), 부분적인; 불완전한 [본문으로]
  24. decriminalization ; [명사] 비(非) 범죄화 [본문으로]
  25. homosexuality ; [U] 동성애(cf. LESBIANISM); 동성애적 행위 [본문으로]
  26. permissive ; [형용사] (특히 성(性)에 대하여 지나칠 정도로) 관대한[자유방임적인] ;; [ADJ] A permissive person, society, or way of behaving allows or tolerates things which other people disapprove of. [본문으로]
  27. in contrast ; 그에 반해서 [본문으로]
  28. call for ; 필요로 하다, 찾다, 촉구하다 [본문으로]
  29. censure ; [U, C] 불신임 (결의), 견책, 징계; 비난, 책망, 혹평.;; 미국∙영국 [ˈsenʃə(r)] ;; blame, blaming, reprimand ;; [본문으로]
  30. utter ; 1. <소리·말·신음·탄식 등을> 입 밖에 내다; 발언하다; 발음하다; 언명하다, 표명하다 [본문으로]
  31. view ; 1. [C] ~ (about/on sth) (개인적인) 견해[생각/의견/태도];; 참조 point of view [본문으로]
  32. despise ; [타동사][VN] [진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 경멸하다 ;; 미국∙영국 [dɪˈspaɪz] [본문으로]
  33. Deplorables ; Noun referring to the group of low-life, die-hard Donald Trump supporters who are on the fringes of society, like racist KKK members who support Trump. Hillary Clinton came up with this description, which seems to have stuck. Now this same group of swamp-dwelling skinheads are no longer offended by the term, now they proudly refer to themselves as "deplorables". Think of the way some people proudly embrace calling themselves hillbilly or red-neck or trailer trash, and now deplorables. [본문으로]
  34. Gammons ; A term of derision used by the metropolitan elite to describe those with differing views and opinions. It specifically refers to their skin colour (white) - which is a bad thing in such social circles. Often used by far left elements of the British Labour party to describe working class Labour Party voters. Also often used by pro-EU supporters to shut down Brexit debates and paint any opposition as racists. [본문으로]
  35. espouse ; [타동사][VN] (격식) (주의·정책 등을) 옹호[지지]하다 ;; 미국∙영국 [ɪˈspaʊz] [본문으로]
  36. toe the line ; To adhere to the rules of something ;; Meet a standard, abide by the rules [본문으로]
  37. murky ; (murkier ; -iest) 어두운, 음침한(dark, gloomy) ; 안개 짙은(misty) ; 흐린(cloudy). [본문으로]
  38. venom ; [U] 1. (뱀 등의) 독[독액] ;; 2. (격식) 앙심, 원한 ;; [NOUN] You can use venom to refer to someone's feelings of great bitterness and anger towards someone. [본문으로]
  39. heap ; [타동사] 1. …을 쌓아올리다(up, on, together); 쌓아올려서 만들다[into]. ;; 3. …을 대량으로 주다, 풍부하게 공급하다. [본문으로]
  40. demur ; (demurred ; -murring) (격식) 1. 이의를 말하다, 반대하다, 불평하다(take exception, raise objections). ;; 미국∙영국 [dɪˈmɜː(r)] [본문으로]
  41. treason ; 2. (드물게) 불신, 배신, 불충, 불실(betrayal, treachery). ;; 참고 ˌhigh ˈtreason [본문으로]
  42. dissent ; [자동사][V] ~ (from sth) (격식) (공식적으로 인정되는 것에 대해) 반대하다 ;; VERB] If you dissent, you express disagreement with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority. [본문으로]
  43. howl ; 2. (고통, 화, 재미 등으로 크고 시끄럽게) 울부짖음[왁자지껄함/아우성] [본문으로]
  44. iconic ; [ADJ] An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something. [본문으로]
  45. victim blaming ; (사회복지학) 피해자 책임전가 ;; victim-blame ; To subject to victim-blaming; to blame and hold responsible (the victim of an attack, disease, etc for the attack which they have suffered). [본문으로]
  46. apologist ; [명사] ~ (for sb/sth) (특히 정치 체제나 종교 사상의) 옹호자 ;; 변명자; [신학] (그리스도교의) 호교(護敎)론자, 변증자 ;; [NOUN] An apologist is a person who writes or speaks in defence of a belief, a cause, or a person's life. [본문으로]
  47. stem from sth ; (진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) [동사] …에 기인하다, …에 유래하다. 유의어 originate in, emanate from. [본문으로]
  48. ironically ; [부사] 2. [문장 전체를 수식하여] 얄궂게도 [본문으로]
  49. note ; [타동사] 2. (중요하거나 흥미로운 것을) 언급하다 [본문으로]
  50. puppet 을 동사로 활용한것을 확인 ;; 흐름상 "manipulate, fabricate, brainwash, rig" 정도의 의미로 보임 [본문으로]
  51. apostate ; [명사] (격식) 변절자; 배교자 ;; 미국식 [əˈpɑːs-] 영국식 [əˈpɒsteɪt] [본문으로]
  52. heretic ; [NOUN] A heretic is someone whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted. ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈherətɪk] [본문으로]
  53. traitor ; [명사] ~ (to sb/sth) 배반자, 반역자 [본문으로]
  54. open letter ; [명사] (신문에 싣는) 공개 항의서[질의서] ;; [NOUN] An open letter is a letter that is published in a newspaper or magazine. It is addressed to a particular person but is intended for the general reader, usually in order to protest or give an opinion about something. [본문으로]
  55. flirting ; 희롱하는, 장난치는, 사랑을 희롱하는. [본문으로]
  56. interiorize ; [타동사] (철학) <감정 등을> 내면화하다 ;; internalize [본문으로]
  57. lobotomize ; 2. [타동사] …를 멍청하게 만들다 ;; 미국식 [-ˈbɑːt-] 영국식 [ləˈbɒtəmaɪz] [본문으로]
  58. the point of no return ; (결정한 대로 계속 밀고 나가야지) 이미 뒤로 물러설 수 없는 단계 ;; the time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earlier situation [본문으로]
  59. agency ; . [U] (어떤 결과를 가져오는) 작용, 힘(force); [철학] 작인(作因) [본문으로]
  60. brainwash ; [타동사] …을 세뇌하다, 사상적으로 전향시키다; 세뇌시켜 …하게 하다[into]. [본문으로]
  61. viciousness ; [명사] 사악함; 심술궂음; 심히 불쾌함. [본문으로]
  62. dare ; (dares[-z]; dared; dar·ing) [타동사] 2. (위험을 무릅쓰고) …을 해보다, …에 용감히 맞서다. [본문으로]
  63. self-criticism ; [명사] 자기비판 [본문으로]
  64. humanities ; (교육학) 인문학(人文學), 인간의 사상 및 문화를 대상으로 하는 학문영역. [본문으로]
  65. a scathing[sharp, stern, stinging] rebuke ;; 신랄한[통렬한] 힐책, 비난 [본문으로]
  66. tribe ; 5. [구어] 대가족, 일족; 패거리, 직업 동료 ;; 6. [pl.] 다수의 사람[동물] [본문으로]
  67. facilitate ; <사정이> <일을> 용이하게 하다; 쉽게 하다; <행동·과정 등을> 촉진[조장]하다 ;; [VERB] To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. [본문으로]
  68. accession to ; …에의 취임. [본문으로]
  69. op-ed ; [명사] (신문의 사설 반대쪽 페이지인) 기명 논평 페이지 ;; (신문) 사설란(editorial)의 대면 페이지(외부의 칼럼니스트를 기용한 특집 페이지인 것이 보통; Op Ed로도 씀) ;; [ADJ] In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. ;; ORIGIN, opposite editorial (page) [본문으로]
  70. go viral ; 입소문이 나다 [본문으로]
  71. savage ; 2. [타동사] (격식) 무참히[맹렬히] 비판[비난]하다 ;; savaging 으로 쓰고 명사화하여 사용한것을 확인 [본문으로]
  72. peer ; 1. [주로 복수로] (나이신분이 같거나 비슷한) 또래[동배] [본문으로]
  73. contribute to ; to help to cause something [본문으로]
  74. underwrite ; 1. …의 아래에 쓰다[기명하다], 서명 승낙하다 ;; 2. …에 지불을 승인하다, <사업 등의> 비용 부담을 동의하다 [본문으로]
  75. whitening ; 1. 희게 하기[되기], 표백. [본문으로]
  76. nefarious ; [형용사] (격식) 범죄의; 비도덕적인 ;; 미국식 [-ˈfer-] 영국식 [nɪˈfeəriəs] [본문으로]
  77. respectable ; 1. 존경할 만한, 훌륭한; (옷차림 등이) 점잖은 ;; 2. 꽤 괜찮은, 부끄럽지 않은 ;; 유의어 acceptable [본문으로]
  78. delegitimize ; [동사] 정당한(적법한) 지위에서 물러나게 하다. ;; [VERB] [tr] to make invalid, illegal, or unacceptable [본문으로]
  79. slander ; [C, U] 모략, 중상, 비방; (말로 하는) 명예 훼손죄 ;; 참조 libel [본문으로]
  80. commonplace ; [형용사] 1. 평범한(ordinary), 흔한, 보통의, 하잘것없는 ;; 2. 진부한, 흔해 빠진 [본문으로]
  81. spout ; 3. ~ (off/on) (about sth) (비격식, 못마땅함) 지껄이다; (지겹도록) 반복하다 ;; 미국∙영국 [spaʊt] [본문으로]
  82. ahem ; [감탄사] 으흠(관심을 끌려고 할 때나 곤란할 때 뱉는 헛기침 소리) ;; 음, 으흠, 에헴 ((주의·환기·의심을 나타낼 때, 말이 막혔을 때의 소리)) ;; [CONVENTION] In writing, ahem is used to show that someone is being ironic. Ahem is also used to show that someone wants to get another person's attention. [본문으로]
  83. slip into ; 4. …에 빠지다 ;; to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one [본문으로]
  84. moral panic ; Preparing to burn a witch in 1544. Witch-hunts are an example of mass behavior fueled by moral panic. A moral panic is a feeling of fear spread among a large number of people that some evil threatens the well-being of society.[1][2] A Dictionary of Sociology defines a moral panic as "the process of arousing social concern over an issue – usually the work of moral entrepreneurs and the mass media" [본문으로]
  85. distort ; 2. [타동사] (사실·생각 등을) 왜곡하다 [본문으로]
  86. unifying ; [형용사] 통일[통합]하는, 통일적인. [본문으로]
  87. be concerned with ; …에 관계가 있다, …에 관심이 있다 [본문으로]
  88. tenet ; [명사] (격식) 주의(主義), 교리(敎理), 교의(doctrine) ;; [NOUN] The tenets of a theory or belief are the main principles on which it is based. ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈtenɪt] [본문으로]
  89. righteousness ; 1. 정의, 정직, 공정; 당연. ;; 2. 고결한[의로운] 행위. [본문으로]
  90. carelessly ; [부사] 부주의하게, 경솔하게; 무관심하게, 무심코, 태평하게 [본문으로]
  91. toss ; [타동사] 1. 던지다 ; 팽개치다(throw, pitch, fling). [본문으로]
  92. silence ; 1. [타동사] 조용히 하게 하다 ;; 2. [타동사] (반대 의견을 말하지 못하도록) 침묵시키다 [본문으로]
  93. label as ; …라고 딱지를 붙이다. [본문으로]
  94. turnaround ; 4. (의견·행동 등의) 180도 전환 ;; [NOUN] [oft N in n] A turnaround is a complete change in opinion, attitude, or method. [본문으로]
  95. even-handed ; [형용사] (특히 여러 집단의 사람들을 대함에 있어서) 공명정대한(impartial), 공평한 ;; [ADJ] If someone is even-handed, they are completely fair, especially when they are judging other people or dealing with two groups of people. [본문으로]
  96. title ; [타동사][VN-n] [주로 수동태로] 제목[표제]을 붙이다 [본문으로]
  97. explicitly ; 명백하게, 명확하게, 명시적으로; 숨김없이. ;; 참고 implicitly [본문으로]
  98. marginalize ; [타동사][VN] 하찮은 존재 같은 기분이 들게 하다[존재로 만들다] ;; [VERB] To marginalize a group of people means to make them feel isolated and unimportant. [본문으로]
  99. denigrate ; [타동사][VN] (격식) 폄하하다 ;; 유의어 belittle ;; [VERB] If you denigrate someone or something, you criticize them unfairly or insult them. [본문으로]
  100. inflict ; [타동사][VN] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) (괴로움 등을) 가하다[안기다] ;; [VERB] To inflict harm or damage on someone or something means to make them suffer it. [본문으로]
  101. intend ; [타동사] 4. [수동형으로] …을 (어떤 목적으로) 돌리려 하다, 예정하다[for, as, to be]. [본문으로]
  102. impede ; [타동사][VN] [흔히 수동태로] (격식) (진행을) 지연시키다[방해하다] ;; 유의어 hinder, hamper [본문으로]
  103. let one's guard down ; 틈을 보이다, 경계태세를 늦추다. [본문으로]
  104. bring (sth/sb) into sth ; 2.to include or mention somebody/something in a discussion, conversation, etc. [본문으로]
  105. expanded ; [형용사] 넓어진, 확대된, 확장된, 열린; [인쇄] (활자의) 폭이 넓은 [본문으로]
  106. subjective ; [ADJ] Something that is subjective is based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts. [본문으로]
  107. alleged ; [ADJ] An alleged fact has been stated but has not been proved to be true. [본문으로]
  108. distress ; 1. (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 ;; [NOUN] Distress is a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain. [본문으로]
  109. incorporate ; 1. [타동사] ~ sth (in/into/within sth) (일부로) 포함하다 [본문으로]
  110. compound ; 1. [타동사] [흔히 수동태로] 악화시키다, 더 심각하게 만들다 ;; [VERB] To compound a problem, difficulty, or mistake means to make it worse by adding to it. ;; 흐름상 to compound matters 는 "더군다나" 정도로 해석하는게 자연스러움 [본문으로]
  111. fashion ; 4-a). [U, C] 방법, 방식. ;; 유의어 METHOD [본문으로]
  112. oppress ; [VERB] To oppress people means to treat them cruelly, or to prevent them from having the same opportunities, freedom, and benefits as others. [본문으로]
  113. view ~ as ; ~을…으로 간주하다. [본문으로]
  114. defenceless ; [ADJ] If someone or something is defenceless, they are weak and unable to defend themselves properly. [본문으로]
  115. downgrading ; 격하, 폄강, 훼손 ;; 명사적으로 활용하는 것을 확인 [본문으로]
  116. alt-right ; 대안 우파(alternative right)란 미국 주류 보수주의의 대안으로서 제시된 극단적인 보수주의 이념의 정치성향을 가진 집단 또는 우익의 한 부류를 뜻한다. [본문으로]
  117. bigotry ; [U] 심한 편견 ;; [NOUN] Bigotry is the possession or expression of strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions. ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈbɪɡətri] [본문으로]
  118. commentator ; (~ (on sth)) 1. (신문·방송의) 해설자 ;; 2. (라디오·텔레비전의) 실황 방송 아나운서 ;; [NOUN] [usu with supp] A commentator is a broadcaster who gives a radio or television commentary on an event. [본문으로]
  119. dismiss ; 1. [타동사] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (고려할 가치가 없다고) 묵살[일축]하다 ;; 유의어 wave aside [본문으로]
  120. censorious ; [형용사] (격식) 대단히 비판적인 ;; 유의어 critical ;; 미국∙영국 [senˈsɔːriəs] [본문으로]
  121. well-heeled ; [형용사] 《美구어》 부유한, 돈 많은; 《美속어》 무기를 가진; 《美구어》 취한. ;; 유복한; 부유한; 유복한; 충분한 돈이 있는 ;; wealthy [본문으로]
  122. clothe ; (clothes[-z]; clothed, clad; cloth· ing) 1. [수동형·재귀용법으로] …에게 옷을 입히다[in]; …에게 의복을 지급하다[with]. ;; 3. (권력·영광 따위를) …에게 부여하다, 주다[with, in]; 〔사상 따위〕를 표현하다[in]. [본문으로]
  123. garb ; [U] (격식 또는 유머) (특이한 또는 특정 유형의 사람이 입는) 의복 ;; [NOUN] Someone's garb is the clothes they are wearing, especially when these are unusual. ;; 미국식 [ɡɑːrb] 영국식 [ɡɑːb] [본문으로]
  124. due to ; 1. (《be동사·명사 뒤에서》) …에 기인하는, …때문에 [본문으로]
  125. cowardice ; [U] 겁, 비겁 ;; 미국식 [-ərd-] 영국식 [ˈkaʊədɪs];; [NOUN] Cowardice is cowardly behaviour. [본문으로]
  126. cursory ; [형용사] (흔히 못마땅함) 대충 하는, 피상적인 ;; 유의어 brief, perfunctory ;; [ADJ] A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail. [본문으로]
  127. coverage ; [NOUN] The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it. [본문으로]
  128. brigade ; 2. [주로 단수로] (흔히 못마땅함) (항상 어떤 어구 뒤에 쓰여) 단체 ;; 참조 fire brigade ;; 미국∙영국 [brɪˈɡeɪd] [본문으로]
  129. center around[on, round(英), upon] ;; ~에 중점을 두다, …에 집중하다[시키다]. [본문으로]
  130. censorship ; [NOUN][U] Censorship is the censoring of books, plays, films, or reports, especially by government officials, because they are considered immoral or secret in some way. [본문으로]
  131. notorious ; [형용사] ~ (for sth/for doing sth) | ~ (as sth) 악명 높은 ;; 미국식 [noʊ-] 영국식 [nəʊˈtɔːriəs] ;; [ADJ] To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad. [본문으로]
  132. shun ; [타동사][VN] (-nn-) 피하다 ;; [VERB] If you shun someone or something, you deliberately avoid them or keep away from them. [본문으로]
  133. unpalatable ; (~ (to sb)) 1. (사실들·아이디어 등이) 불쾌한, 받아들이기 쉽지 않은 ;; 유의어 distasteful ;; [ADJ] If you describe an idea as unpalatable, you mean that you find it unpleasant and difficult to accept. [본문으로]
  134. odious ; [형용사] (격식) 끔찍한, 혐오스러운 ; 유의어 horrible ;; [ADJ] If you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely unpleasant. ;; 미국식 [ˈoʊ-] 영국식 [ˈəʊdiəs] [본문으로]
  135. pick'n'mix ; [명사, 형용사] 여러 가지를 뒤섞은 (것), 취사선택할 수 있는 (것); (사탕·치즈·샐러드 따위를) 여러 가지로 섞은 (것) ;; [ADJ] Pick 'n' mix is used to describe a way of getting a collection of things together by choosing a number of different ones. ;; 미국·영국 [píkənmíks] [본문으로]
  136. cause ; 3. [C] (정치사회적 운동) 조직[대의명분/이상] ;; 참조 lost cause [본문으로]
  137. much- ; [COMB in ADJ] Much- combines with past participles to form adjectives which emphasize the intensity of the specified state or action. [본문으로]
  138. entitle ; 2. [VN -n] [주로 수동태로] 제목을 붙이다 [본문으로]
  139. concoct ; 2. [타동사] (이야기·변명 등을) 지어내다 ;; 유의어 cook up, make up ;; [VERB] If you concoct an excuse or explanation, you invent one that is not true. [본문으로]
  140. muse ; (격식) 1. [자동사][V] ~ (about/on/over/upon sth) 사색하다, 골똘히 생각하다 ; 유의어 ponder ; 참조 musing ;; 2. (사색에 잠긴 채) 혼잣말을 하다 ;; [VERB] If you muse on something, you think about it, usually saying or writing what you are thinking at the same time. [본문으로]
  141. intriguing ; [형용사] (특이하거나 분명한 해답이 없어서) 아주 흥미로운 ;; [ADJ] If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange. [본문으로]
  142. cherish ; (격식) 1. [타동사] 소중히 여기다, 아끼다 [본문으로]
  143. surely ; [부사] 3. (격식) 의심의 여지없이, 틀림없이 [본문으로]
  144. fear ; [타동사] [VERB] If you fear someone or something, you are frightened because you think that they will harm you. [본문으로]
  145. denounce ; [VERB] If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil. [본문으로]
  146. self-serving ; [형용사] (못마땅함) 자기 잇속만 차리는 ;; [ADJ] If you describe someone as self-serving, you are critical of them because they are only interested in what they can get for themselves. [본문으로]
  147. handmaiden (hand·maid[ˈhændmeɪd]) ; 2. (격식) (비유적인 의미로 쓰여, 다른 것을 보완해 주는) 시녀 [본문으로]
  148. loophole ; [명사] ~ (in sth) (법률·계약서 등의 허술한) 구멍 ;; [NOUN] A loophole in the law is a small mistake which allows people to do something that would otherwise be illegal. [본문으로]
  149. exploit ; 1. [타동사] (못마땅함) (부당하게) 이용하다 ;; [VERB] If you say that someone is exploiting you, you think that they are treating you unfairly by using your work or ideas and giving you very little in return. [본문으로]
  150. impunity ; [U] (격식, 못마땅함) 처벌을 받지 않음 ;; [PHRASE] If you say that someone does something with impunity, you disapprove of the fact that they are not punished for doing something bad. [본문으로]
  151. troll ; 2. (비격식) 트롤(인터넷 토론방에서 남들의 화를 부추기기 위해 보낸 메시지. 이런 메시지를 보내는 사람) [본문으로]
  152. ethnic ; [ADJ] [usu ADJ n] Ethnic means connected with or relating to different racial or cultural groups of people. [본문으로]
  153. be dismissed as ; ~라서, ~라는 이유로 묵살되다, 무시되다 [본문으로]
  154. sneeringly ; [부사] 냉소하여 ;; [ADV] To refer sneeringly to someone or something means to refer to them in a way that shows your contempt for them. [본문으로]
  155. grifter ; [명사] (특히 美) 사기꾼 [본문으로]
  156. singularly ; [부사] (격식) 아주, 몹시; 특이하게 [본문으로]
  157. flog ; 4. 〔정부 따위〕를 격렬히 비판하다. [본문으로]
  158. cynicism ; [NOUN] Cynicism is the belief that people always act selfishly. [본문으로]
  159. espouse ; [VERB] If you espouse a particular policy, cause, or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it. ;; 미국∙영국 [ɪˈspaʊz] [본문으로]
  160. warp ; 2. 〔진실 따위〕를 왜곡하다. ;; 미국식 [wɔːrp] 영국식 [wɔːp] [본문으로]
  161. barrister ; [명사] (영국의 상위 법원에서 변론할 수 있는) 법정 변호사 ;; [NOUN] In England and Wales, a barrister is a lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law. Compare solicitor. ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈbærɪstə(r)] 미국식 [ˈbærɪstə(r)] [본문으로]
  162. dress up as ; …의 복장을 하다, …으로 분장하다. [본문으로]
  163. boil down to ; (진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) 상황·문제 등의 핵심[본질]이 …이다 ;; 결국 …이 되다. ;; …으로 요약하다. ;; if a situation, an issue, etc. boils down to something, it has that as its main part [본문으로]
  164. refusal ; [U, C] ~ (of sth) | ~ (to do sth) 거절, 거부 ; 참조 first refusal ;; [NOUN] Someone's refusal to do something is the fact of them showing or saying that they will not do it, allow it, or accept it. [본문으로]
  165. go on to ; (무엇을 끝마친 뒤에) 이어서 ~을 하기 시작하다 [본문으로]
  166. decry ; [타동사][VN] (de·cries, de·cry·ing, de·cried, de·cried) ~ sb/sth (as sth) (격식) 매도하다 ; 유의어 condemn ;; [VERB] If someone decries an idea or action, they criticize it strongly. [본문으로]
  167. ascribe ; 2. <성질·특징을> …에 속하는 것으로 생각하다 ((to)) ;; [VERB] If you ascribe an event or condition to a particular cause, you say or consider that it was caused by that thing. [본문으로]
  168. sanitize ; (격식) 1. [타동사] (못마땅함) 불쾌한 부분을 제거하다, 건전하게 보이도록 하다 ;; [VERB] To sanitize an activity or a situation that is unpleasant or unacceptable means to describe it in a way that makes it seem more pleasant or more acceptable. [본문으로]
  169. vicious ; [ADJ] A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel. [본문으로]
  170. castigate ; [타동사][VN] ~ sb/sth (for sth) (격식) 크게 책망하다; 혹평하다 ;; 미국∙영국 [ˈkæstɪɡeɪt] ;; [VERB] If you castigate someone or something, you speak to them angrily or criticize them severely. [본문으로]
  171. explicit ; 3. 명백한; 노골적인 ; 참조 implicit ;; [ADJ] Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything. [본문으로]
  172. prettify ; [타동사][VN] (pret·ti·fies, pret·ti·fy·ing, pret·ti·fied, pret·ti·fied) (보통 못마땅함) 꾸미려[단장하려] 들다(흔히 그 결과 오히려 외관을 망치게 됨을 나타냄) ;; [VERB] To prettify something, especially something that is not beautiful, means to make it appear pretty. [본문으로]
  173. inclusive ; 3. 폭넓은, 포괄적인 [본문으로]
  174. between-the-lines ; 암암리에, 넌지시, 암시적으로 ;; read between the lines ; 행간[속뜻]을 읽다 ;; find or look for a hidden or extra meaning in something a person says or writes, usually their real feelings about something [본문으로]
  175. denounce as ; …라고 비난[고발]하다. [본문으로]
  176. generosity ; [NOUN] If you refer to someone's generosity, you mean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more than is usual or expected. [본문으로]
  177. empathy ; [NOUN] Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own. [본문으로]
  178. smug ; [형용사] (못마땅함) 의기양양한, 우쭐해 하는 ; 유의어 complacent ;; [ADJ] If you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are. [본문으로]
  179. closed-minded ; [형용사] 옹졸한, 소견이 좁은, 완고한 [본문으로]
  180. certainty ; 3. [[U]] 확신(conviction) ((of, that …)) ;; [NOUN] [oft with N, N that] Certainty is the state of being definite or of having no doubts at all about something. [본문으로]
  181. look down on ; to consider somebody/something as less good or important than yourself [본문으로]
  182. sneering ; [형용사] 조소하는; 비꼬아 말하는. ;; 명사적으로 활용 [본문으로]
  183. smear ; 3. [타동사][VN] 중상[비방]하다 ;; 유의어 slander [본문으로]
  184. midwife ; 2. [비유적] (새로운 일을 하는 데) 산파역을 하는 사람. [본문으로]
  185. authoritarianism ; [NOUN] Authoritarianism is the state of being authoritarian or the belief that people with power, especially the State, have the right to control other people's actions. [본문으로]
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