티스토리 뷰

Quotes/Game of throne 1

fallen stronghold

af334 2017. 10. 11. 10:01

Since the night they had stood side by side in Greyjoy’s fallen[각주:1] stronghold[각주:2], where Robert had accepted the rebel lord's surrender and Ned had taken his son Theon as hostage and ward, the king had gained at least eight stone. A beard as coarse[각주:3] and black as iron wire covered his jaw to hide his double chin[각주:4] and the sag of the royal jowls[각주:5], but noting could hide his stomach or the dark circles under his eyes.

  1. fallen ; 2. (격식) (병사가) 전사한 [본문으로]
  2. stronghold ; 2. 성채, 요새 [본문으로]
  3. coarse ; 2. (알갱이・올 등이) 굵은 [본문으로]
  4. double chin ; [명사] 이중 턱 [본문으로]
  5. jowl ; [명사] (주로 복수로) (살이 쪄서) 턱 아래 늘어진 살 ;; 참고 ; cheek n.;; 미국·영국 [dƷaʊl] [본문으로]

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