티스토리 뷰
Stella has been chatting online to a wealthy man who hasn't mentioned sex once - he wants to meet but could they possibly be a match?
For months now I've had an intermittent dating site conversation with a Spanish man called Tony. He is a wealthy business owner who can't believe how difficult it is to find a wife. He's awful - that's almost certainly the reason - but hilariously awful. I've been the woman he has moaned a lot and occasionally said outrageous things about women he'd met, and I slapped him down, and he enjoyed my outrage.
Last week, suddenly, he got in touch asking to meet. I've decided you're the only person I really like on the site, he wrote, I think we should have lunch. I said I didn't think so. I thought we'd disappoint one another in reality. Oh come on, he said, it's just lunch, for God's sake. Don't take everything in life so seriously. Still, I dithered. Give me your number, he said, so we can speak to one another. I gave him my mobile number and he rang. Unfortunately, he was incredibly good company on the phone, in that way that so few people are, and he had a sexy accent. Dammit, I thought, I'm temped to have lunch with this awful man who says outrageous things about women; this won't do at all.
The next evening he rang again. "I've been thinking about you today," he said. "I like your deep voice - do you smoke?"
"I don't," I said. "Do you?"
"Of course," he said, "though I'm down from 40 a day to 30."
"I couldn't kiss a smoker," I told him.
"Don't be ridiculous," he said. "I do use toothpaste."
"I'm not kidding," I told him, "there's probably no point having lunch." The following evening he rang again and kept me talking for over an hour. I was beginning to think I ought to have lunch with him. He was undeniably charming and he seemed to think I was a catch, which was an unusual enough situation to warrant consideration 1. And he hadn't referred to my body once, or mentioned sex once, or hinted there might be Skype nudity in the near future. It was refreshing just to be courted 2 a bit. 3
There are hypnotists for ending smoking addiction, and perhaps Tony's openly judgmental streak 4 was really just a kind of social coping 5, a way of getting a rise out of people. Maybe he had a tendency to e a wind-up merchant and might drop it once I knew him better. 6
When Tony rang the following night, I agreed to lunch. He named a place and a day and a time and I agreed. I told him I'd heard a good joke that day and told him, but he didn't really get it, which wasn't a great sign. He said he had one for me, and then the terrible thing happened : he told me a racist joke. I couldn't believe my ears. "I don't want to have lunch with you," I said.
"What," he said. "Why?" He knew why. The joke had been a test.
"Don't ring me again," I told him."Don't contact me again." I felt guilty about finding his previous awfulness funny. 7
I went to the coffee shop looking for Andrew, wanting to talk to someone I like. He was there, reading an article about George Osborne, and we blundered straight into 8a huge argument about austerity 9. Andrew thinks we need to slash the welfare budget further. How did I not know this fundamental thing about him? How can we get to know people, new people, in middle age, without issuing a 1,000 question questionnaire? 10
I went home and rang Bill, and told him what Tony had said and what Andrew and I had argued about. Bill was horrified, which was reassuring. "I think you and I should meet half way," I told him. 11
"I have news," he said. "I've started seeing someone."
Disheartened, I got in touch with a man called Kieran. He messaged me back in the spring, while I was besotted 12 by Peter. He was still on the site, and seemed winningly 13 normal in every way. I wrote apologizing for turning down 14 the offer of dinner during the Peter debacle 15. I told him I was sure at the time that I'd found someone, though the road had turned into a cul-de-sac. Kieran replied saying, in effet, that I'd had my chance. If I didn't recognize his value then, I wasn't going to clue 16 him now, and so no, he didn't want coffee. 17
- 먹잇감 정도로 이해했는데, 사전에 catch가 명사로 구식 표현이지만 [결혼 상대, 직원 등으로 탐나는 인물] 이라는 뜻이 있다네요 [본문으로]
- 심사 숙고가 필요한 상황이란거죠 warrant가 동사로 require 정도의 의미를 가지고 있네요 [본문으로]
- 살짝 [마음이 갔었다, 끌렸다]는 표현을 be courted 라는 표현을 썼네요 [본문으로]
- 최면술사입니다. psychic이랑은 별개로 해서 쓰는 단어인듯하네요 [본문으로]
- [바탕을 이루는 부분과 색깔이 다른 기다란 줄 모양의 것]이라는 뜻 외에도 [사람의 성격에서 특히 좋지 못한 구석]이라는 뜻이 있네요. 동사로 쓰이면 [줄같이 기다란 자국, 흔적을 내다, 줄무늬를 넣다] 라는 뜻이네요. 줄과 연관된 기본 이미지를 가진 단어 인듯하네요 strand라는 단어가 떠오르네요 [본문으로]
- 사회적인 대응, 대처. 글속의 남성의 행동을 나쁘지만 사회성이 있다는 식으로 좋은 쪽으로 생각할 여지가 있다는 뉘앙스네요 [본문으로]
- guilty가 형용사형인지라 "죄책감을 느꼈다" 라 할때는 명사형인 guilt말고 guilty를 사용하네요. [본문으로]
- mistake이라는 단어대신에 이 단어를 구사할 수 있을지 모르겠네요 [본문으로]
- [곧바로] 그렇게 되었다는 의미로 straight into 라는 표현을 쓰네요 [본문으로]
- [긴축]에 관한 이야기를 하는 걸보니 경제적인 상황이나, 정치이야기 하다가 다툼이 생겼나보네요 [본문으로]
- Bill은 자기 의견에 공감해주어서 [안심이 되었다] 는 의미이네요. 내심 또 싸우게 될까 걱정하면서 전화는 했었군요 [본문으로]
- disappointed보다는 좀 더 크게 깊게 실망한 뉘앙스입니다. heart가 들어간 단어라 그런지 무게감이 있어보이네요 [본문으로]
- besot는 능동으로 쓰면 [누군가를 혼란하게 하다] 이니 수동태인걸 보면 화자가 혼란 스러웠다는 것이죠 [본문으로]
- win이 들어 있어서 승리와 관게가 있을줄 알았는데 정작 뜻은 ]애교있게]라 되어있네요. 한국사람들은 잘 못알아 듣겠어요. [본문으로]
- [약속을 취소하다] 라는 의미로 turn down을 사용했네요 [본문으로]
- 악센트를 "디"에 줘도 되고 "버"에 줘도 된다네요. [대실패, 큰 낭패] 라는 뜻이네요. Peter라는 인물 자체를 하나의 낭패라고 재미있게 표현하네요 [본문으로]
- clue를 동사로 쓰니 [단서를 제공하다] 라는 의미로 쓰이네요 [본문으로]
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