티스토리 뷰
Do not expect much good to come of 1Donald Trump's impulsive 2, off-the-cuff decision to 3accept an invitation to meet North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Un, "by May". For such a summit to maximize its chances of success would have required careful and painstaking back-channel 4 diplomacy of 5 6the kind exemplified by 7Henry Kissinger before Nixon made his historic visit to 8China in 1972. Mr Trump should have waited for the results of exploratory negotiations 9before rushing in 10.
One reason for his impatience is 11his contempt for 12such traditional diplomacy. It does not appear to bother him that he has yet to appoint an ambassador to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, or that the wretchedly depleted 13 14State Department has just lost its main expert on North Korea, Joseph Yun. Mr Trump no doubt believes that it is his toughness alone 15that has brought Mr Kim to the negotiating table 16and that, once there, his unique force of personality and his genius for the deal 17will bully 18and coax Mr Kim into 19giving up his nukes.
In fact hell will freeze over before 20Mr Kim voluntarily surrenders a capability that 21 22his father and grandfather believed would be the ultimate guarantor of 23their dynasty's survival and which has taken decades and huge sacrifices to construct.
Tightening sanctions and loose talk in 24Washington of a bloody-nose strike on 25 26his nuclear facilities may indeed have persuaded Mr Kim that this was a good moment to strike up a dialogue 27. But he will also believe that it is only because he is very close to having nuclear-armed missiles which can hit the United States that Mr Trump is so keen to 28meet him.
In other words, it is his nukes that demand respect. They have created the conditions for him to be treated by an American president as an equal rather than as an awkward pariah 29.
Mr Kim's apparent offer to discuss denuclearization of 30the Korean peninsula in exchange for what 31South Korean officials have described as 32"security guarantees" looks like little more than a cynical ruse 33. He knows well that the guarantees he wants cannot be offered. But he may still get something in return for 34a (probably short-term) moratorium on 35missile testing. He may be calculating that 36this will include an easing of tension 37and an excuse for 38China and Russia to throttle back on sanctions 39.
By engineering a meeting with 40Mr Trump, Mr Kim will also win an incalculable boost to his own prestige at home 41 42. It will demonstrate to his benighted 43people that his power is not to be challenged 44and that his nuclear weapons have given North Korea status and influence. Mr Trump has given away the prize of a summit without getting anything in return 45 except 46the shock-value of wrong-footing expectations at home 47and around the world, including, most likely, in North Korea.
Mr Trump's meeting the despot 48formally known as "little rocket man" will not necessarily be a total flop. If the two get on well personally 49, which is by no means impossible 50, it could just pave the way for 51more substantive negotiations 52- though, even then 53, expectations should be set low.
The risk, however, is that an inadequately prepared summit between 54these leaders will fall into one of two traps. The first is that Mr Kim succeeds in charming 55the impetuous and inexperienced 56 57Mr Trump to such an extent that 58he makes foolish concessions that 59his opposite number has no intention of earning 60. The second is that, if it dawns on 61Mr Trump that he has been played by Mr Kim and made to look naive, he may react like a jilted, misled suitor 62 63. The motto for talks with 64North Korea should be "proceed with caution 65". A premature 66summit, by contrast 67, is an ill-considered roll of the dice 68 69.
- come of[from] sth ; ~의 결과이다 ;; to happen as a result of something [본문으로]
- impulsive ; [형용사] 사람・행동이 충동적인 [본문으로]
- off-the-cuff ; [형용사, 부사] 준비 없이 (하는), 즉석의[에서] [본문으로]
- painstaking ; 1. <사람이> 노고를 아끼지 않는, 근면한, 정성 들이는 ;; ;; diligent, industrious ;; 2. <일·작품 등이> 공들인, 힘드는, 고생스러운 [본문으로]
- back channel ; 1. 비밀[비공식] 루트, [미] (외교 교섭 등의) 이면[비정규] 경로; 맞장구 ;; 2. (언어) 맞장구 [본문으로]
- diplomacy ; [U], (참고: shuttle diplomacy) 1. (국가간의) 외교(술) ;; 2. (사람들 사이의) 사교 능력[외교 수완] [본문으로]
- exemplify ; (ex・em・pli・fies , ex・em・pli・fy・ing , ex・em・pli・fied , ex・em・pli・fied), [흔히 수동태로], (격식) 1. 전형적인 예가 되다 ;; 2. 예를 들다 [본문으로]
- historic ; [주로 명사 앞에 씀], (historic의 첫 글자인 h를 발음하지 않고, 그 앞에 a가 아닌 an을 쓰는 사람들도 있지만 이제는 이런 발음이 구식으로 여겨진다.) 1. 역사적으로 중요한, 역사에 남을 만한, 역사적인 ;; 2. 유사의 ;; 참고 ; prehistoric [본문으로]
- exploratory ; 1. 실지 답사[탐험]의; 탐험을 좋아하는. ;; 2. 탐구적인, 시험적인; 예비적인, 입문적인. [본문으로]
- rush in ; 난입하다, 몰려들다 ;; to do or decide something very quickly, often without thinking about it for long enough [본문으로]
- impatience ; 1. [때로 an ~] 성급함; 조급, 안달, 초조, 조바심 ((of)); (고통·압박 등을) 참을 수 없음 ;; 2. 갈망; (…하고 싶어) 못 견딤 [본문으로]
- contempt ; [U , sing.], (참고: familiarity) 1. ~ (for sb/sth) 경멸, 멸시 ;; 2. ~ for sth (법규・위험 등을) 개의하지 않음, 무시 [본문으로]
- wretchedly ; [부사] 가엾게, 불쌍하게; 지독하게, 불쾌하게. [본문으로]
- deplete ; [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] (남아 있는 것이 충분하지 않을 정도로) 대폭 감소시키다[격감시키다] ;; 미국∙영국 [dɪ|pli:t] [본문으로]
- toughness ; 단단함; 찰기가 많음; 억셈. [본문으로]
- negotiating table ; [sing.] [주로 신문에서 쓰여] 협상 테이블, 협상의 장(場). [본문으로]
- genius ; [명사] 3. [sing.] ~ for sth/for doing sth 특별한 재능 [본문으로]
- bully ; [타동사][VN] (bul・lies , bully・ing , bul・lied , bul・lied) ~ sb (into sth/into doing sth) (약자를) 괴롭히다[왕따시키다]; 협박하다 [본문으로]
- coax ; ~ sb (into doing sth) | ~ sb (into/out of sth) 구슬리다, 달래다 [본문으로]
- when hell will freeze over ; If you say that something will happen when hell freezes over, you mean that it will never happen. ;; hell will freeze over before [본문으로]
- capability ; 2. (…에 대한) 수용력, 용량, 성능[for]; (국가의) 전쟁 능력. [본문으로]
- surrender ; 2. [타동사][VN] ~ sth/sb (to sb) (격식) (권리 등을) 포기하다[내주다/넘겨주다] [본문으로]
- guarantor ; 1. (법률) 보증인, 인수인(opp. guarantee). ;; 2. (안전·확보·소유·평화 등을) 보증하는 사람[단체, 제도]. [본문으로]
- loose talk ; 부정확한 이야기, 부질없는 이야기 [본문으로]
- bloody-nose ; a usually minor wound, injury, or defeat [본문으로]
- strike ; 2. ATTACK | (군사) 공격, 공습 [본문으로]
- strike up sth (with sb) ; (~와) (대화·관계 등을) 시작하다[트다] [본문으로]
- keen ; (keen・er , keen・est), (참고: mad) 1. EAGER/ENTHUSIASTIC | ~ (to do sth) | ~ (that…) | ~ (on doing sth) (특히 英) 간절히 …하고 싶은, …을 열망하는 [본문으로]
- pariah ; (사회에서) 버림받은[따돌림 받는] 사람 ;; 미국∙영국 [pə|raɪə] [본문으로]
- denuclearization ; [명사] 비핵화 [본문으로]
- in exchange for ; ~대신의, 교환으로 [본문으로]
- describe as ; …로 묘사하다. [본문으로]
- ruse ; 책략, 계략, 모략. ;; ORIGIN French ;; 미국∙영국 [ru:z] [본문으로]
- in return for ; [부사] …의 답으로서, 답례로서; 대가로, …와 맞바꾸어. ;; 동의어 ; as a reciprocity [exchange] for. [본문으로]
- moratorium ; (pl. -riums 또는 -toria / -riə /) ~ (on sth) (공적 합의에 의한) 활동 중단; 지불 유예[정지] ;; 미국식 [|mɔ:rə|tɔ:riəm] 영국식 [|mɒrə|tɔ:riəm] [본문으로]
- calculate ; 2. (상식·경험으로) 추정하다, 평가[판단]하다(evaluate); <장래 일을> 계산해 내다, 예측하다, 어림하다 ;; 4. …이라고 생각하다(think), 상상하다(suppose) [본문으로]
- ease of ; ~에게서 ~를 덜어주다, 완화시키다 [본문으로]
- an excuse for ; …에 대한 구실[변명]. [본문으로]
- throttle (sth) back[down, up] ; (자동차 등의 연료 조절판을 조절하여) (~의) 속도를 낮추다/낮추다/높이다 ;; throttle ; [타동사] 3. 말을 막다 ; 저지하다(silence), 압박하다, 억압하다(suppress, check). [본문으로]
- engineer ; 1. (흔히 못마땅함) 수작을 부리다, (일을) 꾀하다[획책하다] ;; 3. [구어] …을 능숙하게 처리하다; …을 계책하다, 공작하다. [본문으로]
- incalculable ; [형용사] (격식) 1. 헤아릴 수 없는, 무수[무량]한, 막대한 ;; 2. 예상[대중]할 수 없는 ;; 3. <인물·성격 등이> 믿을[기대할] 수 없는, 변덕스러운 [본문으로]
- prestige ; 1. (업적·지위 등에 의한) 명성, 신망(fame) ; 위세, 위신, 감화력(influence). ;; 2. 저명(distinction), 인기, 영광. ;; ORIGIN Latin ;「눈을 끌다」의 뜻에서 [본문으로]
- benighted ; (구식, 문어체) 1. (사람이) 무지몽매한 ;; 2. (장소가) 미개한 [본문으로]
- challenge ; 1. [타동사][VN] (무엇의 적법성 등에) 이의를 제기하다[도전하다] [본문으로]
- give away ; 3. (부주의해서 상대방에게 이득이 되는 것을) 내주다 [본문으로]
- in return (for sth) ; 1. (~에 대한) 보답[답례]으로 ;; 2. (~에 대한) 반응[반작용]으로; (~) 대신에 [본문으로]
- wrong-foot ; [타동사][VN] (英) (예상 밖의 행동으로 남을) 곤경에 빠뜨리다[곤란하게 만들다] [본문으로]
- despot ; 전제 군주, 독재자; 폭군(tyrant) ;; ORIGIN Greek ;「주인」의 뜻에서 ;; 미국식 [|despɑ:t] 영국식 [|despɒt] [본문으로]
- get on well with sb ; 남과 사이좋게 지내다[잘 해나가다] [본문으로]
- by no means ; 결코 …이 아닌 ;; 동의어 ; not by any (manner of) means [본문으로]
- pave the way for ; [동사] …을 위해 길을 열다, …에 대해 준비하다; 촉진하다. ;; 동의어 ; pave the way to, prepare for, lead up to. [본문으로]
- substantive ; 4. 본질적인, 실질적인 ;; . 5. 상당한, 꽤 많은. ;; 6. 중요한, 가치 있는. [본문으로]
- even then ; 1. 그때까지도 ;; 2. 설령 그렇더라도 [본문으로]
- inadequately ; [부사] 부적당하게 ; 불충분하게. [본문으로]
- charm ; 1. 매혹[매료]하다 [본문으로]
- impetuous ; 1. 성급한, 충동적인, 격한. ;; 동의어 ; HASTY [본문으로]
- inexperienced ; 경험이 없는, 미숙한[in, at]; 세상 물정에 어두운. [본문으로]
- such an extent that ~ ; ~할 정도, ~할 정도까지 [본문으로]
- concession ; 1. [C , U] (언쟁을 끝내거나 상황을 개선하기 위한) 양보[양해] ;; 참고 ; concede [본문으로]
- have no intention of ; ~할 의도가 전혀 없다 [본문으로]
- dawn on ; (수동태로는 안 씀) ~에게 분명해지다[~이 (불현듯) 깨닫게 되다] [본문으로]
- jilt ; [타동사][VN] [흔히 수동태로] (애인을) 버리다[차다] ;; (여자가 남자를 실컷 농락하고 난 뒤에) 차버리다. ;; 미국∙영국 [dƷɪlt] [본문으로]
- suitor ; 1. [문어] (남성의) 구혼자. ;; 2. (법률) 원고, 제소인. ;; 3. 탄원자, 청원자. ;; 4. [구어] 기업 매수꾼, 유망한 기업 인수자. [본문으로]
- motto ; (pl. ~(e)s) 1-a. 좌우명, 표어, 모토 ;; 1-b. (방패·문장(紋章)의) 제명(題銘) ;; 2. 금언, 격언, 처세훈(maxim) ;; 3. (책의) 제구(題句), 제사(題辭), 인용구 ;; 4. (음악) 반복 악구(樂句), 주제구 [본문으로]
- proceed with caution ; 조심스럽게 진행하다, 주의를 기울이다. [본문으로]
- premature ; 1. 조숙한, 올된; 시기상조의, 조급한, 너무 이른; 때 아닌 [본문으로]
- by[in] contrast ; (《앞 문장을 받아》) 그에 반해서, 그와 대조적으로 [본문으로]
- ill-considered ; [형용사] 생각[계획]이 신중하지 못한, 무분별한 [본문으로]
- a roll of the dice ; 주사위를 한번 굴리는 것 [본문으로]