티스토리 뷰
[Annotated] Donald Trump's new tweets bolster the case against his travel ban
af334 2017. 9. 17. 09:48The president's response to the bombing in 1 2 London shows the bias at the heart of his executive order 3 4
Less than a month before the Supreme Court considers the legality of 5his executive order barring travel from six overwhelmingly 6 Muslim countries, Donald Trump has handed a gift to those challenging the ban 7. Reacting to a bombing on the London underground 8 on September 15th, Mr Trump first condemned 9 the "loser terrorist" who perpetrated the attack 10, calling the bomber 11 "sick and demented 12" and nothing that potential miscreants 13 "must be dealt with in a much tougher manner 14". Then he brought the issue home: "The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific - but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!" In dealing with the likes of 15 the Islamic State, he concluded, America "must be proactive 16 & nasty 17!"
The logic of Mr Trump's tweets is puzzling 18: he suggests that political correctness is to blame for the inadequate size 19 20, toughness 21 and specificity of 22 his March order, but he, after all, is the president who signed that order, and one of Mr Trump's campaign pledges 23 was never to kowtow to political correctness 24. That oddity aside 25 26, the tweets feed directly into the narrative of 27 the case against 28 Mr Trump's ban: that the order "was issued with the improper purpose of banning 29Muslims" rather than in light of legitimate national-security considerations 30 31. Mr Trump's executive order "uses nationality as a proxy to 32 ban Muslims", the challengers say, and "ignores the government's own conclusion that the ban would not advance 33" America's interest in protecting itself against attack.
During his presidential campaign, Mr Trump called for "a total and complete shutdown of 34Muslims entering the United States", noted his belief that "Islam hates us" and said "we're having problems with the Muslims, and we're having problems with Muslims coming into the country". That may sound rather damning 35, but some judges have questioned the legal tactic of 36 citing campaign statements 37 in court 38. In March, Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found fault with his colleagues' position that Mr Trump's rhetoric as a candidate should come back to haunt him in court 39 40. It's an "evidentiary snark hunt 41 42", he wrote, to thumb through stump-speech 43 transcripts 44 for damning 45 bits 46. Candidates say "many things on the campaign trail" that might be "contradictory or inflammatory 47" when "the poor shlub's only intention is to get elected 48". Construing campaign rhetoric as evidence for the motivation behind positions taken as president 49 could unconstitutionally discourage candidates from saying controversial things 50, Judge Kozinski argued, and should be out of bounds in court 51.
These are not light worries: if campaign rhetoric becomes fair game for litigation 52, presidents could spend their terms in office fighting off countless legal challenges 53, and candidates may feel compelled to parse words 54 55. The concerns do not apply, however, 56to things presidents say after they 57take the oath of office 58. Everything a president communicates to the nation is a presidential act, and Mr Trump has been all-too-clear that 59his tweets represent his true and unfiltered views 60. With that in mind 61, Mr Trump's tweets in response to 62the bombing in London are revealing and badly undercut 63his lawyer's defence of the travel ban as a mere pause to allow the government to examine entry procedures from 64 65 certain countries.
In his tweets, Mr Trump quite openly admits his preference for 66 a "larger, tougher and more specific" ban than the immigration and refugee pauses he ordered in 67 March (a somewhat softer version of his chaos-inspiring 68 69 January order, which sank in court 70 and was abandoned by the administration). "Larger" could only mean the prohibition 71 should apply to more countries - presumably 72 a wider, or perhaps total, entry ban on people from Muslim countries. "Tougher" is a tougher adjective to parse, but presumably it means a ban without caveats 73 like those imposed by the Supreme Court in June, when it said Mr Trump's order could not apply to foreigners with family connections in America. As for "more specific", one wonders what Mr Trump has in mind 74. Perhaps the most plausible reading 75, even without access to his hostility-filled 76 campaign statements 77, is that Mr Trump would prefer his ban to target Muslims by religion 78 rather than to rope out people based on their residency in 79 predominantly 80 81Muslim countries.
When coupled with the insistence that 82 83 America must be "nasty" in dealing with potential terrorists, another feature of Mr Trump's morning tweetstorm becomes apparent 84: his certainty that the bomb was placed by Muslim extremists, long before any suspects were identified or named. That speculation 85- absent any evidence 86 - is the very definition of prejudice 87. It will probably be part of the conversation when the Supreme Court hears Trump v International Refugee Assistance Project on October 10th.
- a response to ; …에 대한 반응[응답]. [본문으로]
- bombing ; [C , U] 폭격 [본문으로]
- bias ; 2. [C] [주로 단수로] 성향 [본문으로]
- executive order ; 행정 명령; [보통 E- O-] [미] 대통령 명령 [본문으로]
- legality ; (pl. -ies), (참고: illegality) 1. [U] 합법성, 적법성 [본문으로]
- overwhelmingly ; [부사] 압도적으로; 불가항력적으로; 극도로. [본문으로]
- challenge ; 1. [타동사][VN] (무엇의 적법성 등에) 이의를 제기하다[도전하다] [본문으로]
- underground ; 1. [sing.] (美 sub・way) 흔히 the Underground (英) 지하철 ;; 참고 ; metro, tube [본문으로]
- condemn ; 1. EXPRESS DISAPPROVAL | [타동사][VN] ~ sb/sth (for/as sth) (보통 도덕적인 이유로) 규탄[비난]하다 [본문으로]
- perpetrate ; [타동사][VN] ~ sth (against/upon/on sb) (격식) (범행・과실・악행을) 저지르다[자행하다] [본문으로]
- bomber ; 1. 폭격기 2. 폭파범 [본문으로]
- demented ; 1. (특히 英) (화가 나거나 걱정이 되어) 미친 듯이 구는 [본문으로]
- miscreant ; [명사] (문예체) 악한, 범법자 ;; US·UK [|mɪskriənt] [본문으로]
- manner ; 1. [sing.] (격식) (일의) 방식 [본문으로]
- the like(s) of ; …과 같은 사람[것] [본문으로]
- proactive ; [형용사] 사람・정책이 상황을 앞서서 주도하는, 사전 대책을 강구하는 ;; 참고 ; reactive, preventive [본문으로]
- nasty ; 2. (성격・행동 등이) 못된[고약한/심술궂은] [본문으로]
- puzzling ; [형용사] 곤혹하게 하는, 헷갈리게 하는, 영문 모를 [본문으로]
- political correctness ; [명사] (때로 못마땅함) 정치적 정당성(차별적인 언어 사용・행동을 피하는 원칙) [본문으로]
- inadequate ; 1. ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) 불충분한, 부적당한 [본문으로]
- toughness ; [명사] 단단함; 찰기가 많음; 억셈. [본문으로]
- specificity ; [U] (격식) 특별함, 특수함 ;; US.UK [|spesɪ|fɪsəti] [본문으로]
- campaign pledge ; 선거 공약 [본문으로]
- kowtow ; [자동사][V] ~ (to sb/sth) (비격식 못마땅함) 굽실거리다, 고두(叩頭)의 예를 올리다(무릎을 꿇고 머리를 땅에 댐), 머리를 조아리다; 아첨하다; 추종하다. ;; 동의어 ; bow, kneel before; lickspittle. [본문으로]
- oddity ; 2. [U] 이상함, 특이함 [본문으로]
- aside ; 3. (명사 뒤에 쓰여) … 외에는 [본문으로]
- feed into ; ~에 반영되다, 넣다, 입력하다, 연결하다, 투자하다, 공급하다 [본문으로]
- narrative ; (격식) 1. [C] (특히 소설 속 사건들에 대한) 묘사[기술/이야기] [본문으로]
- improper ; 1. 부당한, 부도덕한 [본문으로]
- in (the) light of ; …에 비추어, …을 고려하여, 감안하여, ~관점에서, ~의 도움으로 [본문으로]
- consideration ; 2. [C] 고려 사항 [본문으로]
- proxy ; 3. [C] ~ for sth (격식 또는 전문 용어) (측정・계산하려는 다른 것을 대표하도록 이용하는) 대용물 [본문으로]
- advance ; 2. DEVELOP | (지식・기술 등이) 증진되다[진전을 보다] [본문으로]
- shutdown ; [명사] (공장・사업체 등의) 폐쇄 [본문으로]
- damning ; [형용사] 비판적인; 유죄[과오]를 강력 시사하는 [본문으로]
- question ; 2. 의심하다, 의문을 갖다; 이의를 제기하다 [본문으로]
- legal tactics ; 법정 전술 [본문으로]
- campaign statement ; 선거 연설 [본문으로]
- rhetoric ; [U] 1. (격식 흔히 못마땅함) 미사여구 2. (격식) 수사법[학] [본문으로]
- haunt ; 3. (오랫동안) 계속 문제가 되다[괴롭히다] [본문으로]
- evidentiary ; 1. [동의어] EVIDENTIAL ;; 1.증거의; 증거가 되는; 증거에 근거한, …을 입증하는 ((of)) 2. [법] 증거의 구성 요소를 갖춘; 증거를 구성하는 [본문으로]
- snark ; 1. 스나크 ((L. Carrol의 시 The Hunting of the Snark(1876)에 나오는 괴상한 동물)) [본문으로]
- thumb through ; (책 등을) 휙휙 넘겨보다, …을 급히 훑어보다[휙휙 넘겨보다]. [본문으로]
- stump speech ; (미·구어) 가두[정치] 연설, [美] 선거연설. [본문으로]
- transcript ; 1. (tran・scrip・tion) (구술된 내용을) 글로 옮긴 기록[인쇄/전사한 것] [본문으로]
- damning ; [형용사] 비판적인; 유죄[과오]를 강력 시사하는 [본문으로]
- inflammatory ; 1. (못마땅함) 선동적인, 강한 분노를 유발하는 [본문으로]
- shlub ; Alternative spelling of schlub ;; (美속어) SCHLOOMP.;; (美속어) 바보, 멍청이(〓 shlump). [본문으로]
- construe ; [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] ~ sth (as sth) (격식) ~을 (~으로) 이해[해석]하다 [본문으로]
- unconstitutionally ; [부사] 위헌적으로. [본문으로]
- out of bounds ; 1. 일부 스포츠에서 경기장을 벗어난 2. (美) 한도를 벗어난 [본문으로]
- litigation ; [U] (법률) 소송[고소] (과정) [본문으로]
- countless ; [형용사] (주로 명사 앞에 씀) 무수한, 셀 수 없이 많은 ;; 참고 ; uncountable [본문으로]
- compel ; (-ll-), (격식), (참고: compulsion) 1. 강요[강제]하다; (필요에 따라) …하게 만들다 [본문으로]
- parse ; [타동사][VN] (문법) (문장을 문법적으로) 분석하다 [본문으로]
- 문장 안에서 however사용 가능 위치 확인 ;; 동사구에서 동사와 전치사 사이에 배치 가능함을 확인 [본문으로]
- apply to ; ~에 적용되다 [본문으로]
- take an oath of office ; (취임) 선서를 하다. [본문으로]
- all too ; 정말, 너무나 [본문으로]
- unfiltered ; [형용사] 여과되지 않은; [사진] 필터를 사용하지 않고 촬영한 [본문으로]
- with that in mind ; 그것을 고려한다면, 이를 염두해 두고 [본문으로]
- in response to ; (~에) 응하여, 대응하여, 답하여 [본문으로]
- undercut ; 2. 약화시키다 [본문으로]
- examine ; 1. 조사[검토]하다 [본문으로]
- entry procedure ; 입국 수속, 입국 절차, 세관 수속 [본문으로]
- openly ; [부사] 터놓고, 드러내 놓고, 솔직하게 [본문으로]
- pause ; 1. [C] ~ (in sth) (말・행동 등의) 멈춤 [휴지] [본문으로]
- somewhat ; [부사] 어느 정도, 약간, 다소 [본문으로]
- inspiring ; [형용사] (…하도록) 고무[격려/자극]하는 ;; 참고 ; awe-inspiring [본문으로]
- sink in ; 1. 말·사건 등이 충분히 이해[인식]되다 ;; sink into [본문으로]
- prohibition ; 1. [U] (특히 법에 의한) 금지 [본문으로]
- presumably ; [부사] 아마, 짐작건대 [본문으로]
- caveat ; [명사] (격식 라틴어에서) (특정 절차를 따르라는) 통고[경고] ;; US.UK [|kӕviӕt] [본문으로]
- have in mind ; (특히 특정 일자리 등에 대해) ~을 염두에 두다[생각하다], 계획하다, 기억해 두다. [본문으로]
- plausible ; 1. (변명・해명・설명이) 타당한 것 같은, 이치에 맞는, 그럴듯한 [본문으로]
- hostility ; 1. [U] ~ (to/towards sb/sth) 적의, 적대감, 적개심 [본문으로]
- -filled ; [접미사] (명사 뒤에서) …을 넣은; …으로 가득한. [본문으로]
- target ; 2. (영향을 미칠) 대상으로 삼다, 겨냥하다 [본문으로]
- rope ; [vn] 1. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] ~ A and B together | ~ A to B (A와 B를 함께/A를 B에) (밧줄로) 묶다 [본문으로]
- residency ; 3. [U] (특정 장소에서의) 거주 [본문으로]
- predominantly ; [부사] (또한 드물게 pre・dom・in・ate・ly / prɪ|dɑ:mɪnətli ; 美 -|dɑːm- /) 대개, 대부분 [본문으로]
- couple with ; (주로 수동태로) ~와 ~을 연결짓다[결합시키다] [본문으로]
- insistence ; [U] ~ (on sth/on doing sth) | ~ (that…) 고집, 주장, 강조 [본문으로]
- tweetstorm ; (Internet) A series of tweets posted on the Twitter microblogging service in rapid succession. [본문으로]
- speculation ; 1. [U , C] ~ (that…) | ~ (about/over sth) 추측, (어림)짐작 [본문으로]
- absent ; [타동사][VN] ~ yourself (from sth) (격식) 결석[결근]하다, 불참하다 [본문으로]
- prejudice ; [U , C] ~ (against sb/sth) 편견 [본문으로]
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